Saturday 20 June 2015

MIS 535 Final Exam Latest – Keller

MIS 535 Final Exam Latest – Keller,
1. (TCO A) Which of the following decisions require knowledge based on collaboration and interaction? (Points : 4)
How long will it take to manufacture this product?
Should we work with outside vendors on new products and services?
In which geographical locations are our products garnering the most sales?
Which product design is the most efficient for the user in terms of energy use?
1. (TCO A) The costs for firms operating on a global scale have been drastically reduced by (Points : 4)
networking technology.
investments in organizational complementary assets.
cloud computing
the rise of digital content.
  1. (TCO A) Which of the following objectives best describes the business strategy behind the development of smart grid initiatives by power companies, as discussed in the chapter case?

Operational excellence

2. (TCO B) Which of the following businesses use the market creator business model? (Points : 5)
an online auction house
an online newspaper
a video-sharing site
an online bookseller
2. (TCO B) ________ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system. (Points : 5)
Dashboards and scorecards
Parameterized reports
Reports and the drill-down feature
Scenarios and models
2. (TCO B) Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision makingworks in high-velocity decision environments? (Points : 5)
all four steps of the process are handled by software algorithms; humans are eliminated from the decisions because they are too slow
the first three steps of the process are handled by software algorithms and the final step is handled by experienced managers
the first two steps of Simon’s framework are eliminated and the final steps are handled by software algorithms
all four steps are performed by humans with the support of high-speed, high-volume DSS and ESS
3. (TCO C) The type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables is the (Points : 4)
pre-digital DBMS.
relational DBMS.
hierarchical DBMS.
3. (TCO C) A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the (Points : 4)
primary key.
key field.
primary field.
unique ID.

4. (TCO D) The telephone system is an example of a ________ network. (Points : 4)

4. (TCO D) To use the analog telephone system for sending digital data, you must also use (Points : 4)
a modem.
a router.
twisted wire.

5. (TCO E) Enterprise applications have become easier to install because: (Points : 5)
they have been reduced in function
vendors have modularized the applications so they can be rolled out a module at a time
vendors have changed their design to make the application more adaptable to diverse business processes
Users have become more familiar with how to use the applications
5. (TCO E) Which of the following factors provides an understanding of why computing resources today are ever more available than in previous decades? (Points : 5)
network economics
law of mass digital storage and Moore’s law
declining communications costs, universal standards, and the Internet
all of the above

6. (TCO F) Agile Methodologies (Points : 4)
were developed because traditional methodologies did not work
because software development is unlike any other development activity
users seldom know what they want when the project starts
all of the above

7. (TCO G) A salesperson clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the competitor’s advertising costs up. This is an example of (Points : 4)
click fraud.
  1. (TCO B) Describe four types of application that are especially well-suited for mobile-commerce

These types of applications are games and entertainment; wireless advertising; banking and financial services; and location-based services. Through mobile devices, users are able to play movies, ringtones, digital games, and music. Providers of cell phone services are also able to provide advertisers with information such as where subscribers live; where they are located when they view ads, their ages, their preferred music and games, as well as the other services they use on their phones. Banking and financial services, on the other hand, include services that allow users to manage their accounts using their mobile devices. For example, they are able to pay their bills, transfer funds, and check their account balances via their cell phones. Mobile applications also provide location-based services, examples of which are; Where and Mobio, which allows users to obtain information about movie and local entertainment times, call a cab, or find nearby gas stations and restaurants. In addition, applications like MeetMoi enable users to find individuals who are nearby and who are looking for dates.

  1. (TCO E)What additional complexities are faced in global supply chains? How does the Internet help in managing global supply chains?

Some complexities with supply chain management are currency and language, which the
Internet can help alleviate through communication. Other complexities are the highly competitive demands of the global marketplace, which urge companies to get involved due to the significant growth in foreign exchange, aggressive competition, and the rapid changes in market conditions. With the Internet, a company will be able to source their supply chain to other countries.

Another complexity with global supply chains is theuncertain and long lead times, which can inhibit the company’s ability to respond to the market’s demands and fill orders in a timely manner. However, with the Internet, the processing of orders can speed up, especially with the use of cloud-based CRMs like Salesforce.

As well, projected cost savings are absorbed by higher and unanticipated costs from operating longer and more complex global supply chains. Longer supply chains also mean that they are exposed to multiple variables, such as security concerns, technology issues, different government systems, multiple hands-off, multiple modes of transportation, and border crossings. However, the Internet allows for e-commerce technologies, which reduces the need for manual tasks and provides self-service features, which in turn reduces operational costs. TheInternet also makes it easier to track the status of shipments and coordinate among the various parts of the supply chain.

Still another complexity is inconsistent technology where the management of cross-border logistics and the pace of information flow in developing countries may be quite challenging.  Because of this, there’s the risk of unreliable and missing information, which reduces flexibility in the international supply chain. It is often the case that the supply chain managers and the customers do not have exact information about the goods they’ll receive until the goods actually arrive.  However, with the Internet, this type of information can be easily communicated. The Internet also addresses the problem of inconsistent technology as even developing countries are likely to have an Internet connection.

Finally, another complexity is the unfamiliarity with Cross-Border Trade Regulations and Issues. With the Internet, information about such can easily be obtained. The company can also easily get in touch (via email) with people in authority for any questions they may have about such regulations.
(Laudon 347)

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