Monday 29 June 2015

ECE 430 Week 3 DQ 1&2

ECE 430 Week 3 DQ 1&2
In the Week 3 Case Study: Families, you will meet the families of the children in Mrs. Ashland’s class and learn about how Mrs. Ashland interacts with them to create a partnership that supports children’s social-emotional, behavioral and academic development.
For this discussion, you will need to read the saying below and respond to the critical thinking prompts.  Your response needs to demonstrate college level thought, content depth and writing.
John C. Maxwell said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
What does this saying mean to you? How does the case study support this saying? Explain the importance of creating family partnerships and environments that support children’s social-emotional, behavioral and academic development. Provide an example from the case study that demonstrates each type of development.
Guided Response: In education, families are a crucial component of supportive home-school relationships.  Review your classmates posts and respond to at least two of them.  Suggest at least two ways educators can help to best meet the needs of today’s families so that they may be involved in school.   In your guided response be sure to make a connection to something they said in their initial discussion.
Entering a classroom that is inviting is important, but entering a classroom that is stimulating and informative is also important, both for the students and the parents.  Think about this week’s case study and what the parents and children experienced during the morning drop off routine.
Based on the information presented in Chapter 7 regarding behavior, use Microsoft Word or another program of your choosing to create a classroom poster relating to behavior that examines common developmental behaviors, as well as strategies to encourage prosocial behaviors.  Be sure your poster includes:
  1. The behavioral and emotional expectations characteristics  for children at your chosen developmental stage (Toddler, preschool or primary)
  2. Ideas for encouraging prosocial behavior in the early childhood classroom
  3. Ideas for guiding children when their behavior is especially challenging and difficult
Be creative with your poster, but also be sure to develop your content in a professional classroom manner. Be sure your poster includes a reference to the textbook to support your ideas.
Guided Response: Review your classmates’ posters and reply to two of them.  Suppose you are the administrator for the program that your classmate would have posted their poster.  Provide them with feedback on their poster including:
  1. What you like about their behavioral and emotional expectations
  2. One obstacle they might face when implementing one of the ideas they discussed
  3. One suggestion of an alternative way to help support positive behavior in their classroom
  4. One reflective question you have about their poster

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