Friday 19 June 2015

SCI 207 Entire Course

SCI 207 Entire Course
Product Description
SCI 207 Entire Course / Dependence of Man on the Environment
SCI 207 Week 1 Assignment Environmental Footprint
Environmental Footprint
Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. You will learn how your everyday choices contribute to the human impacts on our environment you have been learning about. Most importantly, you will learn about benefits that you can receive by joining the increasing number of people who are making choices that reduce their environmental impact.
First, calculate your ecological footprint.
Use the Footprint Calculator to measure your ecological footprint and learn “how many Earths” it takes to support your lifestyle. Be sure to choose the “detailed response” option for each question.
Answer each question in the quiz honestly and record your answers and results in the Environmental Footprint Reporting Form.
Second, calculate your household carbon emissions.
Use the Household Carbon Footprint Calculator to measure your carbon emissions and determine your environmental impact and the benefits of solutions.
Section 1: Estimate your current total household emissions (from home energy use, vehicle use, waste).
Section 2: Explore actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and waste disposal costs.
Section 3: See how much you can save (in dollars and emissions) by taking the actions you chose in Section 2.
Answer each question in the quiz honestly and record your answers and results in the Environmental Footprint Reporting Form. Complete Tables A and B as well as assignment questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Environmental Footprint Reporting Form.
Submit the Environmental Footprint Reporting Form. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting. However, if you utilize any outside resources in your answers, you must reference these sources in proper APA format.
SCI 207 Week 1 DQ1 Biomes and Diversity
Biomes and Diversity
As you have learned in the readings, extinction is a natural selection process. You have also read that humans are often responsible for accelerating this process. Using at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook, address whether or not we as humans should be concerned with the extinction rate. Additionally, discuss whether or not humans should strive to preserve representative samples of all biomes on the planet. Before beginning your discussion, watch the video “How to find scholarly articles,” which defines the difference between scholarly, reputable, and non-reputable resources.
Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Utilize at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources in APA format. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
SCI 207 Week 1 Laboratory Introduction to Science
Introduction to Science
Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.
Before you begin this assignment, watch the “How to formulate a hypothesis” video. Then, read Lab 1: Introduction to Science. This lab includes several critical thinking activities introducing the scientific method, lab reporting, and data collection and management. Then, utilize this information to answer all of the Exercise 1 questions on the Week One Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:
Read through the introductory material and watch the “How to formulate a hypothesis” video.
Answer Exercise 1 questions 1 through 8 in complete sentences on the Week One Lab Reporting Form.
Submit the Week One Lab Reporting Form. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting. However, if you utilize any outside resources in your answers, you must reference these sources in proper APA format.
SCI 207 Week 2 DQ1
Food and Agriculture
In the United States, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food. However, this abundance is largely due to advances in agricultural technology, which have in turn created numerous concerns surrounding our food sources. Provide at least two modern examples of how the United States has increased its food production. Using at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook, discuss how these changes have affected the environment, and what impact they have on food safety?
Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Utilize at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources in APA format. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
SCI 207 Week 2 Laboratory Water Quality and Contamination
Water Quality and Contamination
Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.
Before you begin this assignment, watch the “The scientific method presentation” video. Then, read Lab 2: Water Quality and Contamination. This lab will allow you to investigate the effects of common pollutants on groundwater as well as mimic the filtration process utilized by wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally, you will perform tests on your own tap water to compare differences in contaminants found in bottled versus tap water. Then, utilize this information and your eScience lab kit to complete Experiments 1 through 3 on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:
Read through the introductory material and watch “The scientific method presentation” video.
Perform “Experiment 1: Effects of Groundwater Contamination” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Table 1 and answer post lab questions 1 through 5 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
Complete “Experiment 2: Water Treatment” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Answer post lab questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
Complete “Experiment 3: Drinking Water Quality” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Tables 2 through 6 and answer post lab questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
Go to Lab 3: Biodiversity, and complete “Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants” steps 1 through 6. Steps 1 through 6 need to be completed in order to be prepared for Week Three, however, results for this experiment will not be calculated until next week. Thus, nothing is to be handed in for this experiment until the end of Week Three.
Submit the Week Two Lab Reporting Form. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting. However, if you utilize any outside resources in your answers, you must reference these sources in proper APA format.
SCI 207 Week 3 Assignment Outline if the Final Lab Report
Outline if the Final Lab Report
Carefully review the Grading Rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment before you begin.
You are required to develop an outline for your Final Lab Report, which covers all 3 experiments for Lab 2: Water Quality and Contamination. To begin, carefully review the instructions for your Final Lab Report assignment located within Week Five. Next, download the Outline of the Final Lab Report Template and utilize this form to ensure proper formatting and inclusion of all required material. Note that the outline should be written in paragraph form and should not simply be a list of bullet points. Using the template will ensure proper formatting. You must use at least four scholarly sources and your lab manual to support your points. The outline must be three to five pages in length and formatted according to APA style. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar. The Outline of the Final Lab Report must contain the following seven sections in this order:
Title Page – This page must include the title of your report, your name, course name, instructor, and date submitted.
Introduction – This section should outline why the experiment was conducted. At a minimum, it should contain three paragraphs. One paragraph should cover background information of similar studies that have already been done in the area. This is accomplished by citing existing literature from similar experiments along with explaining their results. A second paragraph should provide an objective or a reason why the experiment is being done. Why do we want to know the answer to the question we are asking? A third paragraph should provide a hypothesis for each of the three experiments conducted.
Materials and Methods – This section should provide a detailed description of the materials used in your experiment and how they were used. A step-by-step rundown of your experiment is necessary; however, it should be done in paragraph form, not in a list format. The description should be exact enough to allow for someone reading the report to replicate the experiment. However, it should be in your own words and not simply copied and pasted from the lab manual.
Results – This section should include the data and observations from the experiment. All tables and graphs should be present in this section. Additionally, there should be at least one paragraph explaining the data in paragraph form. There should be no personal opinions or discussion beyond the results of your experiments located within this section.
Discussion – This section should interpret or explain the meaning of your data and provide conclusions. At least three paragraphs should be outlined here. First, a paragraph should be present that addresses if the hypotheses were confirmed or denied and how you know this. Second, you are to discuss the meaning of your findings in this area utilizing scholarly sources to put the paper into context. For example, how do your results compare with the findings of similar studies? Finally, you should discuss any future questions arising from your results and how you might test them. Also, you should discuss if there any outside factors (i.e., temperature, contaminants, time of day) that affected your results. If so, how could you control for these in the future?
Conclusions – This section should provide a brief summary of your work.
References – Provide a list of at least four scholarly sources and your lab manual that will be used in the Final Lab Report in APA format.
Note: An abstract must be included in the Final Lab Report. However, the abstract should not be included in the outline as it is to be written last after the entire paper is fully written. Do not forget this in your Final Lab Report.
SCI 207 Week 3 Laboratory Biodiversity
Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.
Read Lab 3: Biodiversity. This lab will allow you to investigate how various organisms alter their environments. Additionally, it will allow you to assess the health of the ecosystems based upon their biodiversity. Then, utilize this information and your eScience lab kit to complete Demonstration 1 and Experiment 1 on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:
Read through the introductory material.
Perform “Demonstration 1: Interdependence of Species” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Table 1 and answer post lab questions 1 through 3 in complete sentences on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form.
Record your hypothesis for Experiment 1 on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form.
Complete “Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Table 2 and answer post lab questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Three Lab Reporting Form.
Submit the Week Three Lab Reporting Form. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting. However, if you utilize any outside resources in your answers, you must reference these sources in proper APA format.
SCI 207 Week 4 Laboratory Energy Sources and Alternative Energy
Energy Sources and Alternative Energy
Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.
Read Lab 4: Energy Sources and Alternative Energy. This lab will allow you to investigate the effects of acid mine drainage through experimentation. Additionally, it will allow for the exploration of solar energy through the use of a solar cell motor. Then, utilize this information and your eScience lab kit to complete Experiments 1 and 2 on the Week Four Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission::
Read through introductory material.
Perform “Experiment 1: the effects of coal mining” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Table 1 and answer the post lab questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Four Lab Reporting Form.
Perform “Experiment 2: Solar Energy” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Table 2 and answer post lab questions 1 through 5 in complete sentences on the Week Four Lab Reporting Form.
Submit the Week Four Lab Reporting Form. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting. However, if you utilize any outside resources in your answers, you must reference these sources in proper APA format.
SCI 207 Week 5 Final Lab Report
Final Lab Report
You are required to write a complete laboratory report that covers all 3 experiments for Lab 2: Water Quality and Contamination, using knowledge gained throughout the course. To begin, download the Final Lab Report Template and utilize this form to ensure proper formatting and inclusion of all required material. Additionally, view the Sample Final Lab Report before beginning this assignment, which will illustrate what a final lab report should look like. You must use at least four scholarly sources and your lab manual to support your points. The report must be six to ten pages in length, excluding the title and reference page(s), and formatted according to APA style. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar. The Final Lab Report must contain the following eight sections in this order:
Title Page – This page must include the title of your report, your name, course name, instructor, and date submitted.
Abstract – This section should provide a brief summary of the methods, results, and conclusions. It should allow the reader to see what was done, how it was done, and the results. It should not exceed 200 words and should be the last part written (although it should still appear right after the title page).
Introduction – This section should include background information on water quality and an overview of why the experiment was conducted. It should first contain background information of similar studies previously conducted. This is accomplished by citing existing literature from similar experiments. Secondly, it should provide an objective or a reason why the experiment is being done. Why do we want to know the answer to the question we are asking? Finally, it should end with all three hypotheses from your Week Two experiments. This hypothesis should not be adjusted to reflect the “right” answer. Simply place your previous hypotheses in the report here. You do not lose points for an inaccurate hypothesis; scientists often revise their hypotheses based on scientific evidence following the experiments.
Materials and Methods – This section should provide a detailed description of the materials used in your experiment and how they were used. A step-by-step run down of your experiment is necessary; however, it should be done in paragraph form, not in a list format. The description should be exact enough to allow for someone reading the report to replicate the experiment, however, it should be in your own words and not simply copied and pasted from the lab manual.
Results – This section should include the data and observations from the experiment. All tables and graphs should be present in this section. In addition to the tables, you must describe the data in text; however, there should be no personal opinions or discussion outside of the results located within this area.
Discussion – This section should interpret your data and provide conclusions. Discuss the meanings of your findings in this area. Was your hypothesis confirmed or denied, and how can you determine this? Did the results generate any future questions that might benefit from a new experiment? Were there any outside factors (i.e., temperature, contaminants, time of day) that affected your results? If so, how could you control for these in the future?
Conclusions – This section should simply provide a brief summary of your work.
References – List references used in APA format.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
SCI 207 Week 5 Laboratory Weather and Climate Change
Weather and Climate Change
Carefully review the Grading Rubric before beginning the assignment.
Read Lab 5: Weather and Climate Change. This lab will allow you to explore the water cycle through the creation of an ecosystem model. Additionally, you will observe how water moves throughout the environment and is affected by weather patterns. Then, utilize this information and your eScience lab kit to complete Demonstration 1and Experiment 1 on the Week Five Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:
Read through the introductory material.
Perform “Demonstration 1: Modeling the Water Cycle” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Answer post lab questions 1 through 3 in complete sentences on the Week Five Lab Reporting Form.
Complete “Experiment 1: Water movement” using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Answer post lab questions 1 through 5 in complete sentences on the Week Five Lab Reporting Form.
Submit the Week Five Lab Reporting Form. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting. However, if you utilize any outside resources in your answers, you must reference these sources in proper APA format.

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