Sunday 21 June 2015

RES 351 Week 2,RES 351 Week 2

RES 351 Week 2,RES 351 Week 2
Ethics has evolved over the years, and it is necessary for any business, whether by economic or personal reasons make the right decisions, doing meticulous analysis of its ethical values. In all serious ethical experience, we have to analyze our performance towards the society. Ethics in business research establishes rules that the researchers should use as a guide. Certain rules are based on trust not entirely by the honesty of the job of the researcher, but likewise by its sincerity in the method applied to conduct the research. It is not unusual for some researchers to stutter between what is ethical or not.
Business Research Article
This article is about an American energy company called Enron. Enron was the owner of power plants, gas distributors and other units involved in the provision of services to consumers and businesses. This company became a major broker into the energy market, taking huge financial risks and becoming one of the healthiest organizations in the United States, with thousands of employees. In December 2001, the company went into bankruptcy leaving everyone around in shock. The commercial operations of Enron relied heavily on complex business transactions, many of them associated with future business. It is mentioned that those future business were letting to the company; money lost. In order to disguise these losses a network of companies that kept the losses off of the balance sheets, it was created.
It was discovered that millions of dollars in debt had been hidden into a complex network of transactions. Soon Enron shares dropped drastically causing losses of millions to its shareholders. The Enron scandal is known worldwide, and it is used around the world as an example of what should not be accepted into a business. That includes management-level conflicts, fraud, and ethical issues for both, the individuals and the organization.
Ethics and Injuries
“The neglect of integrity capacity by managers, Enron executive practices that led to stakeholder harms, and recommendations for improving managerial integrity capacity in light of the Enron scandal” (Petrick & Scherer, 2003). There were many injured parties with the fraud, such as top-managers, investors, and employees. Also the government, customers, board of directors, creditors, suppliers, community, society, shareholders, even some banks and more. They had staff unemployed, empty retirement funds, shareholders that lost everything, but they continued to encourage their staff to invest into the company funds knowing that the shares were worthless.
Among the damages, in this article I would like to emphasize

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