Wednesday 17 June 2015


Profile Process Piece Week 1 DeVry
My chosen topic for next week’s paper is about Clara Kirk, a woman who has a shelter setup in place to help women and children in need.
I can show the perspective of the Anonymous donator, who helped save the shelters before it was too late. Since I’ve actually physically worked here I know first-hand how big of a deal this was.
My purpose for writing is to communicate my messages thoroughly. I enjoy writing because it is easier for me to interpret emotions, feelings and thoughts into words rather than…
The Profile Essay Week 2 DeVry
Using the plans you outlined in last week’s Profile Process Piece assignment, you are now ready to compose the Profile essay. Be sure to read this week’s lecture and Chapter 5 in your text for more information about writing profiles, keeping these key components in mind:
Two women’s shelter that have basically been on life support for nearly two decades are now fighting to keep their doors open as more and more debt piles up. On Wednesday, October 16th, 2013, Clara Kirk, a 72-year old woman, said she was having difficulties paying for two different gas and water bills at her shelters that she runs to provide for women and children in need. One of the bills was roughly $21,000 and another bill was around $11,000 (Hutson, 2013). Due to the fact that she was unable to take care of those bills, the gas was…
Extended Draft Outline of Rhetorical Analysis Week 3 DeVry
This week, you will be working on the Rhetorical Analysis by starting to draft and organize your ideas. You will submit an Extended Draft Outline this week to the Dropbox for your professor to grade. The purpose of this assignment is to begin collecting information and putting it in writing as you prepare for the 3- to 4-page final Rhetorical Analysis you will submit in Week 4.
First, read this week’s lecture and begin Chapter 8 in your text. Then go to the search engine of your choice and search for a print advertisement to use as the subject of your Rhetorical Analysis. You will need to provide a URL for your chosen ad, so be sure it is available online. Your chosen ad can be current or vintage. If you would like to analyze an ad from a different time period, type the phrase “vintage ads” into your browser.
Choose an ad that you can analyze based on its rhetorical appeals….
I. Introduction
When companies want to encourage customers to believe or purchase something, they tend to use different types of rhetoric to try and deliver their messages. One of the many types of rhetorical appeals is called ethos which uses character to describe the beliefs or principles that describe a community, country, or ideology. An ad for Pantene hair product uses this exact appeal. In this said ad, the actress Zooey Deschanel is the main….
The Rhetorical Analysis Final Essay Week 4 DeVry
This week, you will use the drafting and planning work from the Week 3 Extended Draft Outline to write the final three- to four-page Rhetorical Analysis essay. Draw upon last week’s assignment, the lecture, and textbook reading to help you understand and meet the requirements for the Rhetorical Analysis. Other than finding your chosen ad online, no outside research is required for this essay…..
When companies want to encourage customers to believe or purchase something, they use different rhetorical strategies to convince consumers to purchase their products. One rhetorical appeal is called ethos, which uses character to describe the beliefs or principles that describe a community, a country, or an ideology. An advertisement for a Pantene hair product uses this appeal. The actress, Zooey Deschanel, is the main focus; she covers 3/4ths of the page and what we see is mostly her hair. The point is that “you” can have hair like her if you use the Pantene product. Her hair is down, very lush, and healthy looking. Right next to the top of her head is the Pantene logo in big letters. Below her chin,,,,
Perspective Prewriting with Perspective Summary Week 5 DeVry
Your assignment this week asks you to choose your Commentary topic, issue, and angle, and to begin understanding how your own position fits into the larger conversation. To accomplish this overall goal, you’ll need to begin by reviewing viable topics, listening to the conversations surrounding them, and ultimately determining which topic is most fitting for the assignment needs….
What is your chosen topic, and how did you come across it? Why is it interesting to you? What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic?
The topic I choose is about billionaires and how they are perceived by the people. I find this topic interesting because I think that billionaires are sometimes being prejudged because of the comfortable and prosperous lives they live when almost everyone else is experiencing economic difficulties. I think that in this sense, prejudice is not directed only towards the “underdogs”, but rather, everyone can be subjected to prejudice.
This topic first got my attention when the Occupy Wall Street protest occurred a few years ago where people voiced their sentiments about how the country’s wealth is being held by only one percent of the country’s population (Klein, 2011). News about it was all over the television, newspapers, and the Internet at the time. At the same, though…..
The Commentary Rough Draft Week 6 DeVry
The first three pages of your Commentary rough draft are due this week. This week’s draft should include the following…..
Forbes Magazine reported that the number of billionaires increased in 2013, with their aggregate net worth increasing from $4.6 trillion to $5.4 trillion (“Forbes Billionaires”). The United States is again the country with the most number of billionaires at 442 billionaires (“Forbes Billionaires”).
According to Monbiot (2013), this increase in the number of billionaires, as well as the increase in their net worth, has been made possible by policies that were in favor to them but which were disadvantageous to the ordinary citizens. Examples of such policies include the destruction of collective bargaining; wage controls; the privatization of public assets; and the reduction of tax rates and tax enforcements (Monbiot, 2012).
Although experts posited that more economic growth will be experienced if governments tax the rich less and redistribute wealth less, the opposite came true. The spending power of the state and the poor decreased and demand contracted. As a result, investment…
The Final Commentary Essay Week 7 DeVry
Drawing on the Week 5 Topic Selection Prewriting activity and last week’s draft, you are now required to submit your final, polished Commentary essay. Be sure to review this week’s lecture for tips to guide you through the revision process and for a checklist of assignment requirements. Also review the Week 8 Final Commentary Rubric in Doc Sharing for additional guidance….
Forbes Magazine reported that the number of billionaires increased in 2013, with their aggregate net worth increasing from $4.6 trillion to $5.4 trillion (“Forbes Billionaires”). The United States is again the country with the most number of billionaires at 442 billionaires (“Forbes Billionaires”). However, while the number of billionaires is increasing, the situation of the poor does not seem to be improving. As reported by Blow (2013), the median household income continues to fall and the mean household net worth in the lower 93% has further….
The Commentary Context Revision and Postscript Week 8 DeVry
The concepts of genre, process writing, audience, and personal influence have been common themes throughout this course, and the final assignment asks you to demonstrate your knowledge in these areas. To do so, you will rework your Commentary essay into a short document that will either be submitted as a letter to the editor to a specified publication, or published as a blog post. Your goal is not to summarize your entire essay for this new context, but to instead share one important point as an addition to the public conversation. As you review the Commentary essay final you submitted last week, think about the most important point you would leave with readers if you had only a limited amount of time to express yourself; that one main point is where you’ll want to focus this revision assignment.
Amidst the news about how the number of billionaires are increasing while the predicament of the poor seems to be worsening (Blow, 2013), I can definitely understand the ire that people have towards the rich who seem to be enjoying lavish lifestyles while the poor hardly have food to eat. However, rather than seeing billionaires as people who are unfairly blessed, I choose to admire them for having the strength, determination, and ingenuity to achieve the status that they now enjoy…..
For me, I consider billionaires as being no different from the rest of us in that they, too, had gone through many difficulties before they achieved….
Discussions Week 1-7 All Students Posts 440 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: The Brand of You Week 1 All Students Posts 48 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Discovering an Angle Week 1 All Students Posts 30 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: The Profile Genre Week 2 All Students Posts 26 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Getting Started Writing Week 2 All Students Posts 32 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: Analyzing Persuasive Messages Week 3 All Students Posts 31 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Writing With Style Week 3 All Students Posts 31 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: The Role of Truth in Ad Campaigns Week 4 All Students Posts 31 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Revising and Refining Week 4 All Students Posts 29 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: Forming a Position Week 5 All Students Posts 40 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Beginning Research Week 5 All Students Posts 37 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: Position-Based Writing Week 6 All Students Posts 25 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Integrating Research in APA Style Week 6 Week 6 All Students Posts 36 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 1: The Revision Process Week 7 All Students Posts 22 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 2: Peer Review Team A Week 7 All Students Posts 7 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 3: Peer Review Team B Week 7 All Students Posts 6 Pages DeVry
ENGL 112 Discussions 4: Peer Review Team C Week 7 All Students Posts 9 Pages DeVry

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