Monday 6 July 2015


Ad Campaign. Review the article:
Stanford, D. (2012). Mountain Dew wants some street cred. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from EBSCOHost.
In a 2-3 page paper, answer the following:
Is Mountain Dew’s advertising campaign directed at the right market segment, does it differentiate the product from the competition, and does it communicate effectively the product benefits? Explain your answer.
Provide a proposed redesign of the campaign that could have a more universal appeal. What communication channels should be focused on? Why?
Paper must be in the correct APA writing style and include a minimum of 2-3 resources, in which one resource must be peer reviewed
Week 4 DQ1 The Role of Pricing. Review the article:
Mohammed, R. (2012). J.C. Penney’s risky new pricing strategy. Harvard Business Review.
Is your own buying behavior influenced by coupons and sales?
Why do you think J.C. Penney’s pricing strategy has not been successful as compared to other “low price” proponents like Walmart?
Will Ron Johnson’s four-year plan be successful over the long-term? Why or why not?
Week 4 DQ2 Product Development Process.
Do an internet search of the new product development process of any product of your choice, and analyze the process for developing the product. Review the reasons why new products fail and make two specific recommendations to improve the high failure rate of new products.
Guided Response: What lessons do you draw about the importance of using a concurrent rather than a sequential approach in the product development process? What impact does the effective management of the product life cycle have on the market success of a new product?

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