Monday 27 July 2015

HIS 204 WEEK 3

HIS 204 WEEK 3

Final Paper Preparation. This assignment will prepare you for the Final Paper by initiating the research process and helping you map out specific events and developments which you will explore in depth in your paper. Review the instructions for the Final Paper laid out in Week Five before beginning this project. Note, that for the Final Paper you will need to discuss at least six specific events or developments related to your chosen topic, three from before 1930 and three from after 1930.
For this assignment, you will choose your topic and the six (or more) related events and developments which you will explore. You will then find one scholarly source related to each event or development. In a paragraph or two at the beginning of the paper, identify the events and developments and explain why you believe they are significant. Then provide an annotated bibliography, identifying at least ONE source for each subtopic, plus two additional sources each for two of the subtopics; for a total of eight sources. At least two of the sources need to be primary ones, and at least two must be scholarly articles from the Ashford University Online Library databases. Please notice that you have been provided with many wonderful primary and secondary sources in the required reading and recommended reading sections for each week. Feel free to use these sources when constructing your assignment. Please visit the Academic Research section on your Course Home page (accessible through the Student Responsibilities and Policies tab on the left navigation toolbar) to review what types of materials are not acceptable for academic, university level research. Accompany each source with an annotation—a paragraph summarizing the source’s contents and explaining how it will be useful for your project. The annotations must be in your own words. Copying abstracts from the sources is not an acceptable means of completing this assignment. The paper must be three pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least eight scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims. You must use at least one scholarly source for each subtopic. You must use at least two primary sources, and at least two scholarly secondary sources from the Ashford Online Library’s databases. Many great sources have provided for you in the recommended readings section for each week; feel free to use those in your paper. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
1. The cornerstone of the Second New Deal was the Social Security Act of 1935. Which of the following was not true about it?
2. While the United States was fighting for the ideals of democracy during World War II, there were examples of liberties taken away by the U.S. government. Which of the following was the best example of this?
3. The 1920s was an era in which a New Woman emerged. Which was the least prevalent characteristic of her?
4. There were many who were uncomfortable with the new morality, sexual promiscuity, and intellectual movements of the 1920s. Which of the following groups did not feel that society was becoming too fractured and fragmented?
5. The Depression reached its most devastating point in the months between FDR’s victory and when he entered the White House. However, he proclaimed that there was only one thing that the American people needed to be fearful of. Which of the following was it?
6. Though President Roosevelt in his first 100 days began to successfully restore a sense of calm to the nation, there was a bitter and contentious debate over the direction he was leading the nation. Which of the following persons was not a contemporary critic of FDR?
7. Which of the following businesses prospered least during the Depression?
8. Which of the following statements was not associated with President Calvin Coolidge?
9. Roosevelt addressed the struggles of industry with the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). Which of the following was not one of the main components of this effort?
10. The technique of selling commercial products by creating a new social anxiety and suggesting a product to cure it was known in the 1920s as what type of “ethos”?
Normalcy and the New Deal. When the First World War ended, Americans welcomed what they hoped would be a “return to normalcy.” The decades that followed, however, are ones which would rarely be described as normal, in comparison to what came before or after. During these decades, a struggle ensued within the American nation regarding how best to define the nation’s essential character, as groups like the revived Ku Klux Klan fought a rearguard action to define nationhood solely in terms of white skin and Protestant religion against secularists, Catholics, flappers, “New Negroes,” and others who challenged the traditional order. Immediately thereafter, the New Deal implemented in response to the Great Depression threatened to revolutionize the role of the federal government in lives of the American people, in ways which many Americans believed violated the basic tenets of the Constitution—and others believed were not radical enough. Taken together, the decades from 1920 to 1940 may have transformed the American nation more than any other comparable time period. Review the major social and economic developments in American society during the 1920s and 1930s. Identify the factors which made the 1920s “roar,” and explain how the events of that decade contributed to the outbreak of the Great Depression. Then, describe how Americans responded to the Great Depression, both individually and through the government and other organizations, and assess the effectiveness of their responses. Pay particular attention to New Deal programs, and how the approach of the New Deal changed over the course of the 1930s.
Along with the general discussion, address developments across these two decades related to TWO of the following groups:
a. Evangelical Protestants
b. Farmers
c. African Americans
d. Women
e. Business owners
f. The middle class
To summarize your response to the prompts above, consider the following questions (your response does not need to respond directly to each specific question, but should touch on the various themes implicit in the questions):
a. How did American society change in the two decades after the First World War?
b. How did the federal government change in response to those changes?
c. How did the American people respond to the changing role of the federal government?
d. How did the New Deal change over time and what alternatives were offered to it?
e. Which groups benefited or suffered most from these changes?
f. Should this period be regarded as having represented a revolutionary moment in American history?
When responding to these questions, draw material from TWO of the following videos:
a. The great depression
b. The roaring twenties
c. The civilian conservation corps
Also, draw from the material in at least THREE of the following primary sources:
a. Lending a hand: A woman remembers hoboes of the 1930s
b. Flapper Jane
c. Bonus army marches on Washington, DC 1932
d. “The new Negro”: “When he’s hit, he hits back!”
e. Share our wealth speech
f. An open letter to the honorable Alfred E. Smith
g. Hell and high schools
h. The double task of Negro womanhood
i. Address of the President delivered by radio from the White House
j. I’d rather not be on relief
k. TVA: Electricity for all
l. Prosperity for all
The End of Isolation. In 1938, in Munich, the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made a deal with Adolph Hitler allowing Nazi Germany to annex Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland. Hailed as a hero for his diplomacy at the time, Chamberlain is now widely reviled for his policy of “appeasement” to Nazi aggression. Yet one year later, Chamberlain would lead Britain into war against Germany in defense of Poland once it became clear that appeasement had failed. By contrast, the US did little to halt Hitler’s initial expansion, and entered into the war only gradually, attempting, until attacked directly, to sway the outcome without going to war itself. Never again would the US remain so aloof for so long from such a momentous international affair. As such, the Second World War represents a turning point in American foreign affairs, and it is perhaps hard for us to understand why the US took so long to take effective action against the Axis Powers.
Using the primary sources listed below, explore the evolution of American foreign policy over the course of the 1930s. What arguments were made in favor of isolationism? How and why did America’s isolationist stance erode entering into the 1940s?
After considering how America entered into the war, review the war’s impact on the United States. Address the changes which the war effected on American society generally, along with its specific impact on Japanese Americans, African Americans, women, and servicemen. What role did these groups play in the war? How lasting were the changes brought about by the war for these groups? In your response, draw from material from at least THREE of the following documents and videos:
a. World War II: The road to war
b. World War II: The world at war
c. Des Moines speech
d. The Nye report
e. Address of the President delivered by radio from the White House
f. Neutrality act
g. Neutrality act
h. Lend-lease act
Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7 in at least 100 words. When responding to classmates, you should refer to the material from one of the sources which you did not reference in your initial post.

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