Friday 31 July 2015


Week 1 discussions
Networking in Society (graded)
Explain ways that networking has changed society in the past 10 years. Do you feel that computer networking has impacted your life? Please explain.
Peer-to-Peer and Client-Server Environments (graded)
What kind of network does your current or former workplace have: peer to peer or client-server? What problems does it have? What are some ideas to improve it? If you don't know which, explain what you think would have worked best and describe the circumstances.
Week 2 discussion
Transmission Basics (graded)
The lecture covers several standards. Which ones are most common? Which ones are more or less obsolete? What can you find out about the future of transmission and media types? What is happening with 10 Gbps? What about 100 Gbps?
Networking Hardware and Topologies (graded)
Let's figure out what kind of networking equipment an organization would need to buy. You can make assumptions on size and budget. What do we need to purchase? Why do we need to purchase it? That is, what will it do for us? How do we hook them together? That is, how do we cable them (or not cable them) together? Why is there such a big difference in price with the brands? How do network topologies figure into our selections and designs?
Week 3 discussion
TCP/IP (graded)
There is an alphabet soup of protocols in TCP/IP: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, TCP, UDP, IP, ARP, ICMP, and others. What are the characteristics of these protocols? What are they used for? Has there been an evolution in any of these protocols? Are there any weaknesses or disadvantages?
Network Servers (graded)
Search the Internet for Windows servers by Dell, IBM, HP, and others. What are the features and prices? Which ones do you think would be appropriate for the various Windows Server 2008 editions? It is okay not to understand all of the specifications. When you find something you don't know, ask the class.
week 4 discussion
Understanding and Applying Active Directory (graded)
Active Directory (AD) is arguably the most critical component of Windows Server 2008, certainly for larger organizations. It enables corporations to manage and secure their resources from a single directory service and with a common interface—a very powerful tool. Because it is so powerful and offers so many features and capabilities, it sometimes can be complex to those looking at it for the first time. This week, we are going to learn about AD in detail, starting with the fundamentals. As we progress during the week, you will begin to see it’s not that intimidating after all. First, though, let’s get the fundamentals down. What exactly is a directory service and what are some examples in industry? Next, let’s get the definition of Active Directory down—what exactly is it and what benefits does it provide? After this, we’ll look at the details on how it is implemented in the business environment.
Linux Versus Windows Administration (graded)
In what ways do you think administering Linux is better than Windows? In what ways is Windows better than Linux? This can be with regard to having to manage a single server or multiple servers.
Week 5 discussion
Wireless Networks (graded)
Today, wireless transmission media are commonplace in business as well as residential applications, and their application is growing. This week, we will learn about wireless technology by starting with the fundamentals. How are wireless signals carried? What are the obstacles to successful transmissions and their repercussions? What standards govern wireless transmissions? How do we secure our wireless networks?
VoIP (graded)
Traditionally, packet-switched networks carried primarily data and the public switched telephone network (PSTN) carried telephone calls and fax transmissions. Convergence is the use of one network to carry data, voice, and video communications simultaneously. Let’s begin this discussion by identifying and discussing key terms such as IP telephony or VoIP, VoATM, VoDSL, Internet telephony, FoIP, and video over IP.
Week 6 discussion
Network Security (graded)
In this topic please discuss security measures you see in everyday life that you could adopt in a network environment. You can also include security implementations of places you have worked.
Network Integrity and Availability (graded)
In this topic, we will discuss measures that can be taken to ensure that a network’s programs, data, services, devices, and connections are sound and protected from anything that might render them unusable. What situations can compromise integrity and availability and what, specifically, can we do to protect our networks?
week 7 discussions
Find WAN organizations (ISPs) that will connect you to the Internet or connect your offices. What services do they offer? What costs are involved?
What are some ways you could integrate Linux servers into a Windows network to share information? What would be the advantages and disadvantages? Feel free to get into the details of Samba, which is covered in the lab. Are there any other products out there? You can get creative on this one. You could also offer scenarios for FTP, Web, or even Telnet.
Week 1 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W1_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Screenshot of the configuration screen showing the time zone, computer name, and IP address. (50 points)
Week 2 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W2_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Lab 2a: Install and Configure Active Directory
1. Is the firewall turned on? (3 points)
2. How do you turn off the IE Enhanced Security Configuration.? (3 points)
3. Which link allows you to change the computer name? (3 points)
#1 configuration screen (3 points)
#2 First Diagnostic screen (3 points)
#3 Scroll down to get the rest of the Diagnostics screen (3 points)
#4 Screenshot of telnet command (4 points)
#5 Active Directory installed. Computer name including domain name (4 points)
#6 Windows 7. Computer name including domain name (4 points)
Lab 2b: Organize Users and Groups
#7 Your name logged on to the Windows 7 PC (4 points)
#8. The name of the user in the group (4 points)
#9. Both groups in the middle panel (4 points)
#10. Ability to delete OU (4 points)
#11. Delegated user (4 points)
Week 3 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W3_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Show the permissions for Server Operator
#2. Show the Utilities Properties window
#3. Show the error message
#4. Show your name and show the error message
#5. Show that the drive is R: and the size is 1 KB
#6. Show the November text file with the letter Z: in the text box at the top of the window
Week 4 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W4_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Properties for drive C: (10 points)
#2. chdksk warning (10 points)
#3. Backup destination drive (10 points)
#4. New printer (20 points)
Week 5 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W5_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Ping from Windows 7 based on your name (12 points)
#2. Web Server Role (12 points)
#3. Web page with URL based on your name (13 points)
#4. ipconfig information showing DHCP server and IP address. (13 points)
Week 6 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W6_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
25 points
In the space provided below, write a minimum of five college-level sentences in your own words that describe your experiences with this lab assignment. Include an overview of the major tasks accomplished in this lab and any difficulties you encountered in the completion of this lab assignment.
Week 7 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W7_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Task 2Configure the networks file
Step 2: Append network
Clear the screen and use
to display the contents of the /etc/networks file. Capture the Element K desktop in the text box below.

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