Friday 31 July 2015

PSY 322 Complete Class

PSY 322 Complete Class
Week 1 Individual Assignment Consumer Psychology and Marketing
Locate at least two peer-reviewed articles concerning consumer psychology, using the University Library, the Internet, or other resources.
Prepare a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze your articles. Address the following:
Define consumer psychology.
Describe the psychological concepts discussed and their importance in developing a successful marketing communication message.
Utilize your articles to explain the relationship between consumer psychology and marketing communications.
Week 1 Discussion Questions
1) What is the relationship between consumer psychology and marketing communications?
2) What are advantages and disadvantages of using demographics in segmentation? How may demographics and psychographics segment markets? Provide an example.
3) How may demographic information be used to create a promotional message? Why might the message be different at times? In what ways might it differ?
Week 2 Individual Assignment Marketing Communication Memo
Select one of the following scenarios, where an organization is creating an integrated marketing communications plan to increase its customer base, as the basis for your memo:
You are the owner of a small business in a large metropolitan area. You specialize in designer women’s clothing.
You have been hired by a national toy manufacturer to develop and create a new line of educational toys for kids aged 7-10.
You are the marketing director for a military veteran’s foundation that must raise money to create a fallen heroes monument.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word memo to the organization’s management team and discuss the importance of demographic and psychographic information in developing marketing communications.
Choose two demographics, such as race, age, location, income, religion, or marital status; and two psychographics, such as personality, buying motives, interests, attitudes, beliefs, and values.
Determine the influence these elements have on the marketing communications for the organization.
Decide which types of demographic data and psychographic information would be most helpful to the organization as they create their plan.
Provide a rationale for each of your decisions.
Week 2 Team Assignment Consumer Traits and Presentation References
Submit an annotated reference list, showing the works cited in the paper, which must include at least eight peer-reviewed sources from the University Library.
Week 2 Discussion Questions
1) Consumers have innate and acquired needs. Provide examples of each need and show how the same purchase may fulfill those needs independently or collectively.
2) What ethical issues are related to the statement “Marketers do not create needs; needs preexist marketers”? Do marketing efforts change needs? Why or why not?
3) How do marketers use their failures at achieving goals in developing promotional messages for specific products or services? Provide examples.
Week 3 Individual Assignment Marketing Research and Promotional Message
Select one of the following consumer groups: teenagers, Baby Boomers, females, or minorities.
Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze different facets of your group.
Conduct research on your group using secondary sources.
Summarize your research. Identify consumer needs, perceptions, and attitudes.
Explain how your group’s consumer needs, perceptions, and attitudes may be used to create marketing communication messages. Include at least two examples.
Week 3 Consumer Traits and Behaviors Paper and Presentation Formal Outline
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word formal outline covering the initial preparation for the Consumer Traits and Behavior Paper. Include a thesis, major topics, and subpoints.
Week 3 Discussion Questions
1)What is the influence of environmental issues on the consumer decision-making process? Provide specific examples.
2)Think about something you purchased and never used. Why did you purchase it? What influenced you to not use it? How did promotional messages influence that decision? Explain.
3)Identify three to four environmental influences. How do these influences affect consumer behavior? Which do you feel has the greatest effect? Why?
Week 4 Environmental and Consumer Influences Analysis Paper
Select a product or service with which you are familiar.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze factors that affect consumer purchasing decisions related to your product or service.
Identify the psychological and social factors, such as motives, perception, attitudes, personality, family, social class, and reference groups, that influence consumer behavior toward your product or service.
Choose three external factors that affect consumer behavior. Examine how these factors influence the consumer’s decision-making process and their behavior toward your product or service.
Business ethics
Week 4 Discussion Question
1)What is the correlation between social status and income? How does this affect consumer behavior? Provide examples.
2)Distinguish between beliefs, values, and customs. How is the clothing a person wears at different times or for different occasions influenced by customs?
3)Marketers realize that people of the same age have different lifestyles. How may marketers use this information to better understand spending habits?
Week 5 Case Study Analysis
Read and analyze Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior: An International Perspective in Consumer Behavior.
Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word case study analysis in which you evaluate the consumer behavior and purchasing decisions illustrated in both case studies.
Case One: Japan to Apple’s iPhone: “No Thanks!”
Identifythe lessons learned by Apple® regarding the differences in consumer behavior and purchasing decisions between the Japanese market and the market outside of Japan.
Evaluatehow the differences in consumer behavior across these cultures may affect the marketing mix strategy.
Case Two: Would Mickey Mouse Eat Shark’s Fin Soup?
Identify the lessons the Walt Disney Company® learned about consumer behavior and purchasing decisions at Hong Kong Disneyland®.
Explain global issues that may influence consumer behavior.
Week 5 Consumer Traits and Behaviors Paper and Presentation
Prepare a 2,100- to 2,450-word paper in which you examine consumer traits and behaviors. Address the following:
Identify at least three psychological processes and three social processes that may influence consumer behavior.
Explain the importance of understanding the influence of psychological and social processes on marketing communications.
Explain the relationship between consumer traits and behavior. Provide a specific example.
Analyze how social and cultural settings influence consumer behavior.
Examine the reasons why consumers interpret marketing messages differently.
Include at least eight peer-reviewed sources.
Submit an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker’s notes.
Week 5 Discussion Questions
1)A U.S. company is introducing a new line of canned soups in Poland. How must the company use cross-cultural research? Should the company use the same marketing mix it uses in the United States? Why or why not? Which, if any, components must be designed specifically for marketing in Poland? Explain your answers.
2)What are the advantages and disadvantages of global promotional strategies? How would you address some disadvantages or challenges?
3)With the problems facing companies that go global, why are so many expanding internationally? What are the advantages of expanding beyond the domestic market?

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