Monday 29 June 2015

PSY 550 Final Exam

PSY 550 Final Exam
1. What is the interactionist point of view? Identify two intelligence theorists who believe in this perspective.
2. What is the main difference between the factor analysts and traditional theorists with regard to theory derivation?
3. A school psychologist strongly believes a particular child is in need of special services. What is the psychologist trying to control for if he or she uses the most recently normed test available?
4. What are two benefits of the WASI?
5. Identify three improvements of the WAIS-IV over the WAIS-III.
6. Provide one advantage and one disadvantage of group-administered intelligence tests.
7. Give three examples of extra-test behavior on an ability test.8. RtI is said to be multilevel in nature because there are at least three levels of intervention. What are these three levels of intervention?
9. Name three recommended uses for the Woodcock-Johnson III.
10. Name three things that would be included in the best approach to diagnosing a specific learning ability.
11. What is the purpose of empirical criterion keying?
12. Identify two functions of validity scales on personality tests.
13. Identify a criticism of the MMPI that contributed to the need for developing the MMPI-2. Identify a criticism of the MMPI-2.What is the purpose of the inquiry stage of the administration of the Rorschach test?
14. What is the purpose of the inquiry stage of the administration of the Rorschach test?
15. Identify three criticisms of projective tests.
16. What principle do assessors utilize when interpreting the TAT?
17. Give an example of a behavioral assessment approach.
18. What does a mental status exam assess?
19. Give an example of the Barnum effect.
20. Why is it recommended to utilize the BDI-II with other tests?
21. A neuropsychologist blindfolds a patient and then moves the patient's arms and legs in various positions. The patient is unable to identify where his limbs are located. The neuropsychologist would MOST likely suspect that the patient has suffered some sort of damage to which lobe? Explain your reasoning.22. What are three things that the Tower of Hanoi measures?
23. Give an example of a performance assessment.
24. What is an assessment center and what is it utilized for?
25. How does Maslow’s hierarchy apply to worker motivation?
Essay Questions
1. One of your friends asks you the unlikely question “What contributes to intelligence?” Based on what you have learned in this course, what would be your response?
2. Compare and contrast crystallized versus fluid intelligence. Give an example of each form of intelligence.
3. Compare and contrast two established personality assessments discussed in the course. Include in your discussion strengths and limitations of each measure.
4. Throughout the course, issues related to cultural diversity have been addressed. Identify one intelligence, educational, or personality measure and describe its strengths and
5. Identify and describe at least three ethical dilemmas or responsibilities a psychological assessor may face.

GEN 499 Week 1 DQ 1&2

GEN 499 Week 1 DQ 1&2,
Final Research Paper Topic and Plan
The first step in the research process is selecting a topic that is both interesting and manageable. For this discussion, complete the following:
Review the Final Research Paper instructions in Week Five, and identify three potential research topics. Describe methods that may be helpful in identifying and narrowing your research paper topic. Examine two scholarly sources that may prove valuable as you seek to defend your claims. Address why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Product Description
Social Media
The introduction of new technologies has significantly affected the social lives of many. These changes, which reflect how people use technology to interact, provide an example of trends that you might examine in your Final Research Paper. For this discussion, identify a significant change that has occurred in the way people communicate and share information, and reflect on the impact this change has had on individuals and society in general today (local and global). Keep in mind that not all social trends affect all groups in society to the same degree. In addition, examine the influence of social media on an individual’s personal and professional pursuits.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.


Critiquing Internet Sources
Today, the Internet provides an unprecedented amount of information by way of blogs, videos, and podcasts. Conduct a critique of one blog, one video, and one podcast, which provide information that addresses the topic of your Final Research Paper. Assess the authors’ use of bias, validity, and applicability of information. Examine the influence of web-based information on global citizenship and multicultural understanding. Then, compile a list of three factors you believe should be considered when evaluating Internet sources for use in researching information.
The paper must be three to four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. In addition to the three multimedia sources you are analyzing, support your points with at least two scholarly sources. One of the scholarly sources must be from the Ashford Online Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Professional Resume and Cover Letter
Create a professional resume and cover letter for a position within your selected industry, and attach a copy to this discussion forum.
Ashford University’s Career Services department can provide assistance with writing resumes and cover letters. Please visit the Student Portal Homepage ( to access the Resume Builder (, listed under Career Services in the right column. Students who have created professional resumes and need critiquing and proofing, but who do not need the resume builder, can contract career services directly at
Respond to at least three of your classmates’ posts by Day 7, providing both positive and constructive feedback.



Annotated Bibliography
Review the Final Research Paper instructions located within the Final Research Paper link. The Final Research Paper is due in Week Five. To help with the preparation of the paper, complete the following and submit it to your instructor for feedback.
Topic: Refer to the Final Research Paper guidelines for your topic selection. Confirm your topic, and identify how this selection relates to your academic and professional pursuits. Review the feedback from your topic choice presented in the Week One discussion. How did your argument stand up to the examination of your peers? Thesis: Write a direct and concise thesis statement, which will become the point or perspective you will argue or prove in the Final Research Paper. Refer to the Ashford Online Writing Center for information on how to develop a solid thesis statement. APA Reference Page: For this paper, you will conduct research in peer-reviewed journals or other sources that are considered to have academic information. You will need a minimum of five professional scholarly sources, at least one of which is a multimedia source. For each source, you are responsible for summarizing the source and examining how it will support you in defending your argument. Keep in mind the Academic Research standards for all Ashford University Papers.
Academic Research
Academic research and papers must meet certain standards of quality recognized by the academic community. What constitutes quality, academic research?
Primary sources, which are documents from the time period being discussed Secondary sources supported by research in primary sources Credible sources (experts in the area of study) Relevant research (materials are pertinent to the area of study) In graduate work, the use of peer-reviewed journal articles (journal articles reviewed by recognized experts in the relevant field of study) is required. Educational and Government websites may be appropriate in some cases, but should be evaluated carefully.
The paper must be five to seven pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly sources, three of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library, to support your points. Of the five sources, two will be your primary sources, and one will meet the multimedia requirement. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Product Description
Social Capital
Read “Bowling Alone”: An interview with Robert Putnam about America’s collapsing civic life ( For this discussion, complete the following:
In your own words, describe what is meant by the term “social capital.” Examine the influences of social connections and technology and civic engagement in academic and professional pursuits. Evaluate the significance of social capital in the context of global citizenship and multicultural understanding.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. In addition to the assigned reading, support your answer with research from at least one scholarly source, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
roduct Description
Federal Policy
In recent years, immigration, health care reform, and fiscal policy have emerged as key issues in U.S. federal policy. There are many sides to each debate, and research is proliferating.
Using the Ashford Online Library, identify a scholarly article that answers research questions associated with the debate over immigration, health care reform, or fiscal policy (select one). Apply the principles of critical thinking to the selected issue. Cite the article or website that contains the research. Then, describe the findings of this research and provide your perspective on the validity of the findings.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

MKT 500 Week 2 Discussion

MKT 500 Week 2 Discussion
From the case study, categorize the Nano’s marketing segments that have the greatest influence on its sales. Assume you are the marketing manager at Tata responsible for consumer marketing. In your own words, outline a plan that Tata could implement in order to make the process to purchase the Nano more efficient for potential buyers. In addition, determine if there might be any consumer resistance based on where this car is made.
The Tata Nano is the most affordable car in the world. The new Tata Nano Twist are being positioned as ‘smart city car’ with power steering, improved beige interiors, a new instrument cluster with driver information system and a redesigned gearshift console. As a marketing manager I am considering all the segmentations for the Tata Nano car to outline a marketing plan. My suggested marketing plan is:
  • Tata nano should be a product that fulfills people’s physiological and safety needs of domestic consumers.
•         The marketing segmentations of Tata Nano car can be discussed according to Demographics, geographic, psychological and behaviors of people. Demographics segmentation is considers the gender, age number of kids, education, income and household life cycle. The Tata Nano is being marketed basically focusing on young

MKT 500 Week 1 Discussion

MKT 500 Week 1 Discussion
I would have to say that I have grown very fond of Tango as my favorite social media website for video chatting. Tango is based out of Mountain View, California and founded on September 2009.  I chose Tango because I use it pretty frequently.  It is similar to FaceTime, only FaceTime was made specifically for the iPhone, whereas Tango is a downloadable application that is compatible with smartphones (Androids).  This will allow an option for those that may not have the iPhone to still video chat with their friends that do.  The person that has the iPhone will simply download the Tango app on their phone.  They will then have the capability of video chatting with someone that does not have FaceTime such as themselves.
Tango is a third-party, messaging application software platform that was developed by TangoME, Inc. in 2009.  Video calls is the basis for what this app offers and this is made possible with 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks.
There are 80 million members registered on Tango and 200,000 sign-ups
I would have to say that I have grown very fond of Tango as my favorite social media website for video chatting. Tango is based out of Mountain View, California and founded on September 2009.  I chose Tango because I use it pretty frequently.  It is similar to FaceTime, only FaceTime was made specifically for the iPhone, whereas Tango is a downloadable application that is compatible with smartphones (Androids).  This will allow an option for those that may not have the iPhone to still video chat with their friends that do.  The person that has the iPhone will simply download the Tango app on their phone.  They will then have the capability of video chatting with someone that does not have FaceTime such as themselves.
Tango is a third-party, messaging application software platform that was developed by TangoME, Inc. in 2009.  Video calls is the basis for what this app offers and this is made possible with 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks.
There are 80 million members registered on Tango and 200,000 sign-ups

MKT 500 Assignment 2 Part B Your Marketing Plan

MKT 500 Assignment 2 Part B Your Marketing Plan

The marketing plan is an essential issue in success of any organization. Fresh Drinks Company is a new entrant in the non-alcoholic beverage industry. The company has identified a marketing gap in providing the non-carbonated drinks, which is healthier as compared to the existing global brands. This marketing plan seeks at identifying the marketing strategies and approaches that the company has used or seek to implement to sustain its position in the soft drinks industry. The branding strategy of the company focuses on healthy products to position itself against the competitors. In addition, the company has embraced a competition based and low cost pricing strategy to gain a competitive advantage. The company competes with strong brand such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. With this in mind, the company uses the differentiation strategy to gain the market leadership of the non-carbonated soft drinks. Apart from the competitors, there are other salient macro environmental issues that affect the performance of the company. The company’s implementation strategy is in line with its five year expansion plan to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Social media tools are some of the strategies that can be attributed to the success of the company. There have less cost, and have a wider coverage. In The marketing plan is an essential issue in success of any organization. Fresh Drinks Company is a new entrant in the non-alcoholic beverage industry. The company has identified a marketing gap in providing the non-carbonated drinks, which is healthier as compared to the existing global brands. This marketing plan seeks at identifying the marketing strategies and approaches that the company has used or seek to implement to sustain its position in the soft drinks industry. The branding strategy of the company focuses on healthy products to position itself against the competitors. In addition, the company has embraced a competition based and low cost pricing strategy to gain a competitive advantage. The company competes with strong brand such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. With this in mind, the company uses the differentiation strategy to gain the market leadership of the non-carbonated soft drinks. Apart from the competitors, there are other salient macro environmental issues that affect the performance of the company. The company’s implementation strategy is in line with its five year expansion plan to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Social media tools are some of the strategies that can be attributed to the success of the company. There have less cost, and have a wider coverage. In .....................................................................

MKT 500 Week 3 Discussion

MKT 500 Week 3 Discussion
Baby boomers are the generation that was born amid 1946 to 1964. In other words, they were born after the Second World War. Gen Nester is the young generation thereof amid 19-34years. There is a great variance amid the two groups in terms of their ideas and especially in the management perspective (William & Page, 2011).
Comparison between baby boomers and generation nester

Baby boomers are the generation that was born amid 1946 to 1964. In other words, they were born after the Second World War. Gen Nester is the young generation thereof amid 19-34years. There is a great variance amid the two groups in terms of their ideas and especially in the management perspective (William & Page, 2011).
Comparison between baby boomers and generation nester

Baby boomers are the generation that was born amid 1946 to 1964. In other words, they were born after the Second World War. Gen Nester is the young generation thereof amid 19-34years. There is a great variance amid the two groups in terms of their ideas and especially in the management perspective (William & Page, 2011).
Comparison between baby boomers and generation nester

Baby boomers are the generation that was born amid 1946 to 1964. In other words, they were born after the Second World War. Gen Nester is the young generation thereof amid 19-34years. There is a great variance amid the two groups in terms of their ideas and especially in the management perspective (William & Page, 2011).
Comparison between baby boomers and generation nester



 1. A producer might use a “pulling policy” rather than a “pushing policy” if:  
• Intermediaries are reluctant to handle a new product.
• Its sales force has been very successful getting wholesalers and retailers to handle its product.
• It has a very limited promotion budget.
• It is offering a very “high-tech” product to a small product-market.
2. When new product ideas are chosen based on ratings and comments from customers, this process is called ______. 
• Creative resourcing
• Idea engineering
• Reaction engineering
• Crowdsourcing
3. The primary purpose of branding is: 
• To prevent competitors from stealing product ideas.
• To boost customer satisfaction.
• To identify a product.
• To enhance package design.
4. The company tries to follow an organized new-product development process—rather than using a faster and more spontaneous, “race-to-market” approach.
• The managers worry too much about the competition.
• The product fails to offer the customer a unique benefit.
• The company delays putting the product on the market until it develops a complete marketing plan.
5. Genetech Corp. has invested heavily to develop a patented new product. Genetech wants to achieve a rapid return on its investment. It probably should set a ______________ pricing objective. 
• Status quo
• Target return
• Profit maximization
• Sales-oriented
6. In the American Marketing Association’s Statement of Ethics, which ethical value stresses a firm’s attempts to balance the needs of its buyers with the interests of sellers? 
• Responsibility
• Citizenship
• Fairness
• Honesty
7. David Oreck advertises Oreck vacuum cleaners via commercials that run on national radio programs. He encourages consumers to “…try my 8-pound Oreck vacuum for free for 30 days,” and to return it if they aren’t satisfied. He then provides an easy-to-remember toll-free telephone number that consumers can use to place orders. Regarding the AIDA model, the free-trial period and availability of a toll-free number are devices used mainly to: 
• Get attention.
• Arouse desire.
• Obtain action.
• Hold interest.
8. Most firms in the business world set their prices using:
• Supply and demand analysis.
• Federal price guidelines.
• Cost-oriented price setting.
• Demand-oriented price setting.
9. Compared with other approaches to business, the marketing concept is distinct in that it:
• Focuses on sales.
• Focuses on satisfying customers’ needs.
• Produces new products and services
• Creates a broad assortment of products.
10. More than 600,000 loyal customers signed up in advance to purchase the iPhone4 in an Apple store the first day it was available for sale in the U.S. What type of response behavior were these Apple followers demonstrating? 
• Dissonance response
• Low-involvement buying
• Routinized response
• Limited problem solving
11. In which quadrant of the SWOT analysis tool does the following fit? A firm is in a fast-growing industry. 
• Weaknesses
• Strengths
• Opportunities
• Threats
12. A useful tool for organizing the competitor analysis is:
• Rivals chart.
• The competitive summary.
• The oligopoly chart.
• A competitor matrix.
13. From the perspective of macro-marketing, e-commerce specialists CarFax (which provides vehicle history reports) and (a website offering auto comparison shopping) have emerged within the auto industry because:
• The role of the automotive sales person is becoming obsolete.
• The market needs competitive rivals to auto dealerships.
• The information they provide makes the exchange process between producers and consumers more efficient and effective.
• Auto manufacturers need to sell direct to consumers.
14. Which of the following is true of direct distribution? 
• Direct distribution always serves customer needs better and at a lower cost.
• It requires a significant investment in facilities.
• Most firms selling consumer products rely on direct distribution.
• It reduces a producer’s need for working capital.
15. Behavioral targeting: 
• Tries to reach target customers who are actually interested in what the firm has to communicate.
• Allows advertisers to pay only when a customer clicks on the ad and links to the advertiser’s website.
• Tries to place ads on websites that are designed to appeal to the firm’s target market.
• Delivers ads to consumers based on previous websites the customer has visited.
16. The main difference between a “marketing strategy” and a “marketing plan” is that: 
• A marketing strategy omits pricing plans.
• A marketing strategy provides more detail.
• A marketing plan includes several marketing strategies.
• Time-related details are included in a marketing plan.
17. When a company provides its advertising agency with a statement about a new product to use in designing an advertising campaign, and this statement includes a description of the target market, the product type, the primary benefits of using the product, and how this product is different from, and better than, competitive products, what type of statement is this? 
• Determining
• Qualifying
• Clustering
• Positioning
18. Blending the firm’s promotion efforts to convey a complete and consistent message is the goal of:
• Sales management communications.
• Integrated marketing communications.
• Sales promotion communications.
• Integrated promotional marketing
19. In the 1990s, DVDs replaced audio cassettes and floppy disks as the storage media of choice for music and computers. At which stage of the product life cycle is the DVD today? 
• Market introduction
• Sales decline
• Market extinction
• Market immaturity
20. According to the concept of social responsibility, a firm has a duty to: 
• Place customer satisfaction above all other considerations.
• Place profit above all other considerations.
• Communicate regularly with the public.
• Conduct business in a way that is good for society as a whole, both now and for the future.
21. The advantages of working with an intermediary usually increase when there is:
• A smaller number of competing products.
• Little distance between customers.
• Excellent communication with customers.
• A greater number of customers.
22. Clearwater Office Supply sells frequently purchased office supplies to businesses in a metropolitan area. It is a well-established company with a large share of the market. Its promotion should probably focus on: 
• Stimulating primary demand.
• Reminding.
• Innovators.
• Informing.
23. The phrase “big data” refers to: 
• the use of marketing research in big marketing decisions.
• the  massive  amount of data being collected and processed by today’s organizations.
• the top five firms in the marketing research industry.
• marketing research data taken from Internet sources.
24. When an advertiser pays a fixed amount (e.g. 70 cents) each time a Web surfer clicks on the advertiser’s ad and links to the advertiser’s website, this process is called a(n): 
• pay-per-click.
• pay-per-view.
• pioneering ad.
• copy thrust.
25. The sales analysis of a product revealed that profits were highest when it was initially introduced into the market with a high selling price. However, the price was gradually reduced as it started facing competition as substitutes entered the market. This is an example of a(n) _____. 
• Penetration price policy
• Skimming price policy
• Introductory price dealing
• Temporary price cut policy
26. Tammi Soloft has itchy eyes and a stuffy nose, and suddenly becomes aware of many TV ads for allergy products that she never noticed before. This illustrates: 
• reinforced cognition.
• selective perception.
• selective retention.
• selective exposure.
27. The main difference between the “marketing department era” and the “marketing company era” is: 
• More emphasis on selling and advertising in the marketing department era.
• More emphasis on short-run planning in the marketing company era.
• Whether the whole company is customer-oriented.
• Whether the president of the firm has a background in marketing.
28. The three basic sales tasks are:
• Order-taking, order-managing, and order-getting.
• Order-taking, supporting, and order-getting.
• Order-closing, order-opening, and sales-promoting.
• Order-taking, missionary selling, and order-getting.
29. Marketers cannot assume that a product that meets consumer needs in one country will do so in another. This is because: 
• The purchase situations may be different.
• Economic wants do not influence purchases in many regions of the world.
• Family life cycles may be different.
• Many wants are culturally learned.
30. Because she frequently buys books at, Sophie Soleil set up an account and password at the website. Now, when she logs on and searches for a specific book, a note pops up at the center of her laptop screen saying: “Hello, Sophie, we have recommendations for you,” and proceeds to list other titles that Sophie might enjoy based on her previous purchases. Amazon can remember Sophie (and her previous purchases) because the online retailer uses:
• Encoding.
• Banners.
• Cookies.
• Decoding.

ACCT 567 Entire Course

ACCT 567 Entire Course
ACCT 567 Exercise 1-3 Financial Statements Activities Basis of Accounting, Measurements Homework Week 1 Keller 
ACCT 567 Exercise 2-3 True or False Homework Week 1 Keller
ACCT 567 Exercise 2-5 Matching Funds with Transactions Homework Week 1 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 2 Problem 3-9 and 4-4 and 4-6 and 4-10 and 4-11 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 3 Problem 5-3 and 5-4 and 5-7 and 5-8 and 6-4 and 6-5 and 6-8 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 4 Problem 7-3 and 7-8 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 5 Problem 8-1 and 8-4 and 8-8 and 8-9 and 9-4 and 9-9 and 9-10 Case 8-1 CaIPERS Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 6 Problem 12-4 and 14-2 and 14-4 and 14-7 and 14-8 Keller

ACCT 567 Homework Week 7 Problem 16-3 and 16-4 and 17-4 and 17-6 and 17-7 Keller
ACCT 567 Case Study City of Middleville Week 2 - 100% Correct Keller
ACCT 567 Discussions Weeks 1-7 Accounting for Government and NFP ALL Students Posts 553 Pages
ACCT 567 Week 3 Quiz Updated Accounting for Government and NFP Keller 
ACCT 567 Case Study City of Shipley Week 5 100% Correct Keller
ACCT 567 Quiz Week 6 Accounting for Government and NFP Keller 
ACCT 567 Midterm Exam Accounting for Government and NFP Keller
ACCT 567 Final Exam Accounting for Government and NFP Keller
ACCT 567 Exercise 1-3 Financial Statements Activities Basis of Accounting, Measurements Homework Week 1 Keller 
ACCT 567 Exercise 2-3 True or False Homework Week 1 Keller
ACCT 567 Exercise 2-5 Matching Funds with Transactions Homework Week 1 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 2 Problem 3-9 and 4-4 and 4-6 and 4-10 and 4-11 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 3 Problem 5-3 and 5-4 and 5-7 and 5-8 and 6-4 and 6-5 and 6-8 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 4 Problem 7-3 and 7-8 Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 5 Problem 8-1 and 8-4 and 8-8 and 8-9 and 9-4 and 9-9 and 9-10 Case 8-1 CaIPERS Keller
ACCT 567 Homework Week 6 Problem 12-4 and 14-2 and 14-4 and 14-7 and 14-8 Keller

ACCT 567 Homework Week 7 Problem 16-3 and 16-4 and 17-4 and 17-6 and 17-7 Keller
ACCT 567 Case Study City of Middleville Week 2 - 100% Correct Keller
ACCT 567 Discussions Weeks 1-7 Accounting for Government and NFP ALL Students Posts 553 Pages
ACCT 567 Week 3 Quiz Updated Accounting for Government and NFP Keller 
ACCT 567 Case Study City of Shipley Week 5 100% Correct Keller
ACCT 567 Quiz Week 6 Accounting for Government and NFP Keller 
ACCT 567 Midterm Exam Accounting for Government and NFP Keller
ACCT 567 Final Exam Accounting for Government and NFP Keller