Sunday 2 August 2015

ECE 311 Week 5 Final Paper

ECE 311 Week 5 Final Paper
I choose the curriculum that I am most comfortable with and this is the pre-kindergarten age group. There are several theories that guides this curriculum which include but not limited to Erikson’s development stages, Brokfenbrenner’s Theory of Ecological Systems, Paiget’s development theory and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The combination of one or two of these theories allows the teacher to choose appropriate learning strategies suited for the class.
The philosophies, ideas and concepts in early childhood classrooms are very important in preschool education since these allows the students to experience the classroom setting that will later aid them in coping up with higher educational level in high school and college. It is necessary that both in home and in school that the child is supported in their growth and development by providing them with the best information and practice that will prepare them in their classes and succeed in attaining the needed educational skills. The different development and learning domains are interrelated and should be considered as one set which include physical, social, emotional and cognitive domains. The event or influences that affect one domain could also influence another domain. It is important to take that inter-connection with the planning of teaching strategy to use   (Copple and Bredekamp, 2009).Each teacher could choose their own philosophy where they could be most comfortable with but in any case the common goal of all teachers is to focus on the children and the children’s natural capacity to learn. Children have their own set of core competence that allow them to have unique pace and means to assimilate their learning. As chief coordinator, the early childhood teacher has the full duty in setting up proper environment and its maintenance, arrange materials and equipment’s, plan and implement activities, assess communicate and document actual learning activities that will allow the teacher and children to optimize safe and secure learning process (Jaruszewicz, 2012).
Among the theories available in child development, the ones formulated by Jean Paget and Lev Vygotsky are noteworthy. John Dewey’s philosophy on progressive education is excellent. These ideas together with latest recent study on cognitive-developmental psychology are given due emphasis. Brokfenbrenner’s Theory of Ecological Systems shows a relevant aspect that affects the child. The concept looks on the development of a child in respect to their relationships that they have with their environment such as parents, teachers, siblings, and classmates. These relationships greatly affect the child (Brokfenbrenner and Morris, 1998).
Paiget’s cognitive development stages focus on the learning that children do when they play. The vital role of the children’s natural activity to play allows them to learn and discover new things. The teacher assures that the children are provided with the means to cultivate their needs to discover their environment using their natural instincts (Mooney, 2000). The cognitive development stages’ theory recognizes the importance of age-appropriate and individual-approach activities that promotes healthy learning and development.

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