Sunday 2 August 2015

COM 200 Week 5 Final Paper Letter of Advice Paper

COM 200 Week 5 Final Paper Letter of Advice Paper
Dear Bob and Sue,
All throughout your marriage you will face many trials and tribulations. Communication is the key to any long lasting, healthy marriage. Being able to manage emotions, recognize others feelings, motivate yourself, and be self aware will help you to help your marriage last longer. No marriage is perfect, you will make many mistakes. Make the mistakes and learn from them, do not just make mistakes and keep making them over and over again. Taking the time out to evaluate all the things that you are doing wrong within your marriage, by using active listening skills, communication skills, and effective interpersonal skills, will help you both to have a long lasting marriage.
Managing your emotions mean expressing them in a manner that is appropriate to the circumstances (Hybels, Weaver II, 1986, p.157). Marriage is a partnership. Never try to do things alone. Communicate with one another about things. Money is always the prime factor in marriage arguments. Do not keep secrets from one another. It is wrong and in cases of marriage it is betrayal. When one of you is faced with a problem, you both are faced with a problem. When you both said you “I dos” you gave up the “I”s for we!
I myself have faced many trails and tribulations throughout my marriage and do not regret having gone through those trails. In my opinion they made my marriage stronger. You will find yourself arguing over the littlest things, such as whose night it is to wash the dishes. Never try o avoid an argument by settling to make your partner happy. All you are doing is covering it up so that it will never get resolved. Sit at your kitchen table and let one another know exactly how you feel. By doing this you are making one another aware of your feelings. Then you can make a scheduled plan based on what the two f you talked about.
Lack of communication is the biggest down falls in marriages. Always, always Bob and Sue keep an open mind in your marriage. Encourage one another to talk about your feelings when something is bothering one of you. When the both of you talk to one another repeat of rephrase what was said so that there is n miscommunication. Always let one another know when something is not fully understood. Make it so that neither one of you will think the other one foolish if one of you do not understand something. Be considerate of one another’s feelings. Help each other build up confidence instead of tearing it down. It is okay to walk way from an argument at the time you are upset.
What some couples fail to do is revisit the argument after the both of you have calmed down. Revisiting an argument put things out in the open. It lets the both of you say things that you could have not possible said while upset. In a calm disposition you both are able to better understand one another without judgment or ridicule. You both will find

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