Friday 31 July 2015

CIS 525 Week 10 Term Paper

CIS 525 Week 10 Term Paper
Term Paper: Using Agile Project Management on Mobile Application Development
Due Week 10 and worth 150 points
Fictitious assumptions and details may be assumed or created for the completion of this assignment.
Imagine you are the project manager for a critical project for an organization. The organization wants to implement an application on an iPad and Android Tablet such that the marketing executives and managers can get near real-time updates on how effective their marketing campaigns are doing. Since this project is so critical to the overall financial health of the company, you were asked to complete this project in three (3) months. Your business sponsors are very interested in your approach to manage this project and they are also demanding to see what the project team can deliver on a weekly basis.
Due to the tight deadline, the project team was assembled quickly with ten (10) team members of various backgrounds. There are three (3) offshore developers in India and two (2) QA testers in San Francisco, CA. The rest of the project team and the product owner are in Herndon, VA. The team members were unfamiliar with each other. Additionally, there are ethical issues. For example, a developer has been consistently blaming an analyst for his accent that has little to do with project development. Another QA tester rarely spoke out in the meeting, but consistently went to her management to complain about a couple project team members for lacking of documentation for the delay on her QA plan and test cases. When you started to run the project, you were told that the project deadline was moved up two weeks. With such a pressure on time, conflicts broke out and team morale is now down. You have to help bring the project back on track by solving various conflicts and improve the collaborative work effort.
Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page paper in which you:
Suggest an agile project management framework to your sponsors and justify the agile framework best suited for this project.
Create a project plan for this project based on your proposed framework through the use of MS Project or Excel. Note: List all major milestones, resources, tasks and dependencies. Include tools such as risk log to enhance your project plan.
Choose at least five (5) agile techniques and tools that you need to use to manage this project. Include the reasons why you choose those five (5) agile techniques and tools.
Describe the strategies you will use to conduct requirements sessions and manage the multiple tracks of work on a daily basis.
Analyze the techniques you will use to manage conflicts and facilitate collaboration throughout the project. Provide examples to support your response.
Describe techniques and tools you will use to monitor and control the progress of the project.
Identify and analyze the key differences and consequences if you were to manage the same project with a traditional project management approach instead of using agile strategies.
Suggest your methods to control the quality of work.
Explain the methods you would use to close the project.
Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


Week 1 DQ 1
"Creating an Interface" Please respond to the following:
Imagine you are managing a design project that will create an interface for automobile mechanics. The interface would be used by the mechanics to look up various fixes and parts for any number of makes or models of automobiles that may come through their garage. Decide what usability measures would be most motivating when designing this interface and describe the unique challenges you would have to plan for when designing an interface for an automotive repair shop. Use supporting evidence to support your response.
Physical, cognitive, perceptual, personality, and cultural differences introduce challenges when designing universally usable products. Choose one area from the list above and describe why it is the biggest challenge to overcome when creating universally usable designs. Support your response.
Week 1 DQ 2
"Goal Setting" Please respond to the following:
Early computers were only usable by experts with strong technical knowledge. Examine how interactive systems have changed throughout the years to accommodate average users and describe two advantages and two disadvantages associated with these changes.
From the e-Activity, examine the two articles you selected on universal usability and discuss one topic of interest that was addressed.
Week 2 DQ 1
"Interface Design Guidelines" Please respond to the following:
Imagine you are leading a team of designers for a new software product. During the kickoff meeting, the team starts to discuss design guidelines. About half of the team complains that guidelines can be too specific, incomplete, hard to apply, and sometimes wrong. The other half feels that building on experience from design leaders contributes to steady improvements. Take a stance on this debate and support your position. Then discuss how you would solve this conflict to get your meeting back on track.
Of the eight principles of design, called “Golden Rules” (strive for consistency, cater to universal usability, offer informative feedback, design dialogues to yield closure, prevent errors, permit easy reversal of actions, support internal locus of control, and reduce short-term memory load) choose the one that is most important and create an argument supporting your choice. Use specific examples to support your argument.
Week 2 DQ 2
"HCI Theories" Please respond to the following:
Imagine you are the manager of a medium-sized IT department. While walking through the hall one day, you overhear a senior-level software developer telling a newly hired developer to focus on improving his coding skills rather than learning about theories related to human-computer interaction. Take a position on whether you agree or disagree with the senior software developer. Support your decision.
From the e-Activity, discuss the idea that all applications have to be visually consistent. Argue whether you agree or disagree with the idea and why.
Week 3 DQ 1
"Electronic Ballots" Please respond to the following:
One criticism of electronic ballots for elections is that while intuitive for younger voters who are familiar with using a mouse to point and click, elderly voters and motor-impaired users will have difficulty controlling a mouse. Discuss how you would correct this issue so that every demographic would have an equal opportunity to vote. Support your answer.
Imagine you have just finished interviewing a recent college graduate for a design position within your company. At the end of the interview, the college graduate remarks that design would be much easier if people conformed to the design, rather than the design having to be accessible to diverse populations. Respond to this comment, addressing the legal, societal, and ethical issues that designers face in regard to human-computer interaction.
Week 3 DQ 2
"Interface Design Models" Please respond to the following:
Evaluate interface design models and describe design issues across human-computer interaction environments associated with these models. Support your response.
Building an interface can be broken down into the phases of design and development. Analyze the activities that take place in both phases, and explain why certain activities should be included in design but not in development.
Week 4 DQ 1
"Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments" Please respond to the following:
Your software development company has been contracted to build a tool that will manage user accounts and rights in an Active Directory environment. One of your developers tells you that he wants the tool to make use of direct manipulation. A second developer argues that a command line structure would be a better and more secure approach. Take a stand on this argument, providing at least three positives of each approach, and then make a decision for this project and support it.
Describe virtual and augmented reality. Suggest a way in which this technology could be used in the future; either to improve a current process / procedure or create a new process / procedure. Provide an example of your suggested use of the technology.
Week 4 DQ 2
"Menu Selection and Organization" Please respond to the following:
Describe the considerations that you would take into account when selecting the menu style for an application and why. Support your response with examples.
Imagine you have been asked to help a novice designer effectively organize his menu content in an application. Provide the novice designer with the advice you feel would be most helpful when organizing content for menus. Support your response.
Week 5 DQ 1
"Command and Natural Language" Please respond to the following:
The president of your company approached you with his iPhone in one hand and his iPad in the other. He has just purchased the iPhone 4S and is fascinated with Siri, the voice recognition software. He then pulls up an app your team developed for the company a few months ago and tells you that he wants it to work with voice commands just like Siri. When you pass this information on to your team, the news is met with groans and angry expressions. One of your developers tells you that it would be way too complicated to add voice recognition into the app and that you should have said no. Suggest three techniques to overcome the challenges of implementing natural language into interface designs.
Sally, a young developer, requests a meeting with you to discuss a project. Sally tells you that she wants to develop a new application in a computer language she has developed, hoping to use the project as proof of concept for her newly developed language. Your firm encourages technological development and advancement and has allowed similar developments to happen in the past. Discuss with Sally what is required to be considered an effective computer language. Suggest three characteristics that make up an effective computer language. Support your response with evidence from the textbook or an article you found.
Week 5 DQ 2
"Developing Commands" Please respond to the following:
You have just finished reviewing a design project your team has submitted to you and noticed that the team members used a great deal of command abbreviations. Explain to your team the value of using abbreviations for commands and give them at least two advantages and disadvantages associated with using abbreviations. Support your answer.
From the e-Activity, Amore’s and Quesada’s article discusses the challenges of incorporating Natural Command Language Dialogs (NCLDs) into a phone system. One challenge pertains to sources of conflict in NCLDs. Discuss potential sources of conflict with an interface that you frequently use and devise a solution for preventing the conflicts.
Week 6 DQ 1
"Interaction Devices" Please respond to the following:
Touch screens are becoming extremely popular input devices for phones and tablets. Assess the value of touch screen devices related to human-computer interaction systems. Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of having touch screen devices in the workplace. Support your response by citing a quality resource.
Chapter 8 currently has the following subsections, keyboards and keypads, pointing devices, and speech and auditory interfaces. Predict what the subsections may be if this book were written 10 years from now. Justify your predictions.
Week 6 DQ 2
"Collaboration and Social Media" Please respond to the following:
While planning for a new project, a young developer mentions that she used Facebook as a collaborative group space for developing her senior project. She tells you that it was the ideal solution since it was free and all of her group members were friends with her. Further, she tells you that your company should do the same thing. Explain whether or not you think that Facebook would be a proper venue for your developers to collaborate. Give at least three reasons for your answer.
Imagine you were going to be teaching this class next semester and you were given the choice to teach it asynchronously distributed interface, synchronously distributed interface, or face-to-face. Choose one of these techniques to teach the class and describe why you chose the presentation style you did. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with the style you chose.
Week 7 DQ 1
"Quality of Service" Please respond to the following:
Your design team presents a project to you, in which most inputs seem to have about a 1.5-second delay before a response. The lead designer has decided this response is acceptable. Analyze response-time models and decide if the response time in the presented project is acceptable. Explain why it is or is not.
Evaluate the importance quality of service has to designers. Choose two areas discussed in the textbook you would focus your attention to ensure quality of service for a team of designers that you were managing. Justify your choices.
Week 7 DQ 2
"Balancing Function and Fashion" Please respond to the following:
Error messages are a key part of an overall interface design strategy of guidance for the user. Discuss strategies to ensure integrated, coordinated error messages that are consistent across an application.
Choose the one topic covered in Chapter 11 (error messages, non-anthropomorphic design, display design, window design, and color) that creates the biggest challenge to achieving balance between function and fashion. Support your response.
Week 8 DQ 1
"System Documentation" Please respond to the following:
Ray and Jason have just finished developing the documentation for a system your team recently completed. Ray insists that the documentation should be printed in booklet format and included with the system. Jason insists that paper manuals are outdated and that the documentation should only be distributed electronically via DVD. Compare and contrast the use of online documentation and paper documentation. Then, make a decision about what documentation you will provide with your system and explain it to Ray and Jason.
Debate whether or not to give credit to authors and designers of training manuals. Support your argument.
Week 8 DQ 2
"Online Communities" Please respond to the following:
Evaluate online tutorials and online communities in regard to helping users. Create an argument for the approach you find to be the most effective and explain why.
From the e-Activity, evaluate at least two sites or tools for developing end user documentation. Discuss the abilities the sites or tools provide and how the sites or tools aid in the creation of user documentation. Make a suggestion to improve the site or tool.
Week 9 DQ 1
"Searching Textual Documents" Please respond to the following:
Your company has been hired to design a product that will provide searches of textual documents and database querying. Your design team has not developed a product like this before. Examine the challenges associated with searching in textual documents and database querying. Describe how the five-stage search framework shared in Chapter 13 could be used to overcome those challenges.
Assess current multimedia document search techniques and suggest three techniques to improve multimedia search experiences. Explain why you chose to recommend each of the techniques you suggested.
Week 9 DQ 2
"Advanced Filtering" Please respond to the following:
Describe the most effective advanced filtering and search interface. Argue why the interface you chose is more effective than others, and describe who benefits most from the interface you are describing.
From the e-Activity, Google has been the dominant market leader for search engines for the past several years, despite a fairly basic interface and competition from competitors like Microsoft and Yahoo. Discuss reasons why Google has been able to maintain such a high market share. Also, suggest some ideas for a search engine that would be able to take market share away from Google.
Week 10 DQ 1
"Characterizing Data Types" Please respond to the following:
Justify characterizing data types according to task taxonomy. Support your response.
Assess the value to an interface designer, of being familiar with the seven basic tasks and create an argument for which three of the seven basic tasks are the most important to incorporate in a design.
Week 10 DQ 2
"Information Visualization" Please respond to the following:
Despite increases in computing power and network bandwidth, many user interfaces are still largely text oriented, with a few icons and illustrations. Discuss at least three reasons why text-oriented interfaces are still the most common.
From the e-Activity, identify the tool you would be most likely to use in a design project and explain why you selected it.
Week 11 DQ 1
"Course Conclusion" Please respond to the following:
· You have just completed 10 weeks of a computer and interaction design course. Imagine you have been asked to create a one-day training course highlighting the important elements of what you have just learned in the past 10 weeks.
o Create a hierarchy of five (no more or no less) of the most important topics that you feel need to be addressed in this one-day course that best fits the course title of “Computer Interaction and Design: The Essentials Presented in One Day.” Give a detailed rationale for each of the five topics.
Week 11 DQ 2
"Course Importance" Please respond to the following:
· Using 140 characters or less (the length of a Tweet), summarize the importance of this class to someone unfamiliar with the concepts.
· Discuss how you can apply the learning outcomes of this course to your professional and personal life.

CIS 511 Week 8 Assignment 3

CIS 511 Week 8 Assignment 3
Assignment 3: Integrated Case Study: Bandon Group, Inc.
Read the integrated case study on Bandon Group, Inc. starting on page 151. Review Table 1 on page 155 explaining the Activities, Documentation, and Things to Do. Complete the following:
• Step 8: Determine feasibility of an ERP system
• Step 9: Determine ERP design issues
o This paper should adhere to APA 5th edition style standards including the following: Double space, 1” margins, title page, in text citation of references, and a reference page.

Assignment 3: Integrated Case Study: Bandon Group, Inc.
Read the integrated case study on Bandon Group, Inc. starting on page 151. Review Table 1 on page 155 explaining the Activities, Documentation, and Things to Do. Complete the following:
• Step 8: Determine feasibility of an ERP system
• Step 9: Determine ERP design issues
o This paper should adhere to APA 5th edition style standards including the following: Double space, 1” margins, title page, in text citation of references, and a reference page.
CIS 511 Week 8 Assignment 3,
Assignment 3: Integrated Case Study: Bandon Group, Inc.
Read the integrated case study on Bandon Group, Inc. starting on page 151. Review Table 1 on page 155 explaining the Activities, Documentation, and Things to Do. Complete the following:
• Step 8: Determine feasibility of an ERP system
• Step 9: Determine ERP design issues
o This paper should adhere to APA 5th edition style standards including the following: Double space, 1” margins, title page, in text citation of references, and a reference page.

CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper

CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper
CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper - Strayer
Technical Paper: Final Project Plan
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
Especially for You Jewelers is a small jewelry company in a college town. Over the last couple of years, it has experienced a tremendous increase in its business. However, its financial performance has not kept pace with its growth. The current system, which is partly manual and partly automated, doesn’t track accounts receivables sufficiently, and the company is finding it difficult to determine the reasons why the receivables are so high. The company runs frequent specials to attract customers but has no idea whether these efforts are profitable or if the benefit—if there is one—comes from associated sales. Especially for You Jewelers wants to increase repeat sales to its existing customers; thus, it needs to develop a customer database. It also wants to install a new direct sales and accounting system to help solve the outlined problems.
The new direct sales and accounting system for Especially for You Jewelers will be an important element in the growth and success of the jewelry company. The direct sales portion must track every sale, be able to link to the inventory system for cost data, and provide a daily profit and loss report. The customer database must be able to produce purchase histories to assist management in preparing special mailings and special sales to existing customers. Detailed credit balances and aged accounts for each customer would help to solve the problem with the high balance of accounts receivables. Special notice letters and credit history reports would help management reduce accounts receivable.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Suggest at least five (5) expected business benefits that Especially for You Jewelers company might derive from a new system. Provide a rationale for your suggestions.
Propose at least five (5) system capabilities for the company. Provide a rationale for your proposals.
Ascertain the three (3) possible scenarios in this new direct sales and accounting system.
Using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia, develop an activity diagram for each scenario that you have identified. Note: The graphically depicted solution may not exceed one (1) page per diagram. Provide a narrative that gives an overview of your diagram.
Using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia, complete a fully-developed use case description for each scenario identified. Note: The graphically depicted solution may not exceed one (1) page per diagram.
Develop a system vision document for Especially for You Jewelers, detailing the overall vision or plan for the new direct sales and accounting system. A vision document generally contains:
Business needs / requirements
Product / solution overview
Major features
Scope and limitations
Other needs
Use at least three (3) quality resources outside of the suggested resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze techniques for requirements determination, collection, and organization.
Summarize effective communication techniques with various organizational stakeholders to collect information using a variety of techniques and to convey proposed solution characteristics to them.
Analyze and present methods to initiate, specify, and prioritize information systems projects and determine various aspects of feasibility of these projects.
Develop a solution to proposed business problem using structured systems analysis and design methods.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in advanced systems analysis and design.
Write clearly and concisely about advanced systems analysis and design using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


Week 1 discussions
Networking in Society (graded)
Explain ways that networking has changed society in the past 10 years. Do you feel that computer networking has impacted your life? Please explain.
Peer-to-Peer and Client-Server Environments (graded)
What kind of network does your current or former workplace have: peer to peer or client-server? What problems does it have? What are some ideas to improve it? If you don't know which, explain what you think would have worked best and describe the circumstances.
Week 2 discussion
Transmission Basics (graded)
The lecture covers several standards. Which ones are most common? Which ones are more or less obsolete? What can you find out about the future of transmission and media types? What is happening with 10 Gbps? What about 100 Gbps?
Networking Hardware and Topologies (graded)
Let's figure out what kind of networking equipment an organization would need to buy. You can make assumptions on size and budget. What do we need to purchase? Why do we need to purchase it? That is, what will it do for us? How do we hook them together? That is, how do we cable them (or not cable them) together? Why is there such a big difference in price with the brands? How do network topologies figure into our selections and designs?
Week 3 discussion
TCP/IP (graded)
There is an alphabet soup of protocols in TCP/IP: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, TCP, UDP, IP, ARP, ICMP, and others. What are the characteristics of these protocols? What are they used for? Has there been an evolution in any of these protocols? Are there any weaknesses or disadvantages?
Network Servers (graded)
Search the Internet for Windows servers by Dell, IBM, HP, and others. What are the features and prices? Which ones do you think would be appropriate for the various Windows Server 2008 editions? It is okay not to understand all of the specifications. When you find something you don't know, ask the class.
week 4 discussion
Understanding and Applying Active Directory (graded)
Active Directory (AD) is arguably the most critical component of Windows Server 2008, certainly for larger organizations. It enables corporations to manage and secure their resources from a single directory service and with a common interface—a very powerful tool. Because it is so powerful and offers so many features and capabilities, it sometimes can be complex to those looking at it for the first time. This week, we are going to learn about AD in detail, starting with the fundamentals. As we progress during the week, you will begin to see it’s not that intimidating after all. First, though, let’s get the fundamentals down. What exactly is a directory service and what are some examples in industry? Next, let’s get the definition of Active Directory down—what exactly is it and what benefits does it provide? After this, we’ll look at the details on how it is implemented in the business environment.
Linux Versus Windows Administration (graded)
In what ways do you think administering Linux is better than Windows? In what ways is Windows better than Linux? This can be with regard to having to manage a single server or multiple servers.
Week 5 discussion
Wireless Networks (graded)
Today, wireless transmission media are commonplace in business as well as residential applications, and their application is growing. This week, we will learn about wireless technology by starting with the fundamentals. How are wireless signals carried? What are the obstacles to successful transmissions and their repercussions? What standards govern wireless transmissions? How do we secure our wireless networks?
VoIP (graded)
Traditionally, packet-switched networks carried primarily data and the public switched telephone network (PSTN) carried telephone calls and fax transmissions. Convergence is the use of one network to carry data, voice, and video communications simultaneously. Let’s begin this discussion by identifying and discussing key terms such as IP telephony or VoIP, VoATM, VoDSL, Internet telephony, FoIP, and video over IP.
Week 6 discussion
Network Security (graded)
In this topic please discuss security measures you see in everyday life that you could adopt in a network environment. You can also include security implementations of places you have worked.
Network Integrity and Availability (graded)
In this topic, we will discuss measures that can be taken to ensure that a network’s programs, data, services, devices, and connections are sound and protected from anything that might render them unusable. What situations can compromise integrity and availability and what, specifically, can we do to protect our networks?
week 7 discussions
Find WAN organizations (ISPs) that will connect you to the Internet or connect your offices. What services do they offer? What costs are involved?
What are some ways you could integrate Linux servers into a Windows network to share information? What would be the advantages and disadvantages? Feel free to get into the details of Samba, which is covered in the lab. Are there any other products out there? You can get creative on this one. You could also offer scenarios for FTP, Web, or even Telnet.
Week 1 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W1_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Screenshot of the configuration screen showing the time zone, computer name, and IP address. (50 points)
Week 2 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W2_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Lab 2a: Install and Configure Active Directory
1. Is the firewall turned on? (3 points)
2. How do you turn off the IE Enhanced Security Configuration.? (3 points)
3. Which link allows you to change the computer name? (3 points)
#1 configuration screen (3 points)
#2 First Diagnostic screen (3 points)
#3 Scroll down to get the rest of the Diagnostics screen (3 points)
#4 Screenshot of telnet command (4 points)
#5 Active Directory installed. Computer name including domain name (4 points)
#6 Windows 7. Computer name including domain name (4 points)
Lab 2b: Organize Users and Groups
#7 Your name logged on to the Windows 7 PC (4 points)
#8. The name of the user in the group (4 points)
#9. Both groups in the middle panel (4 points)
#10. Ability to delete OU (4 points)
#11. Delegated user (4 points)
Week 3 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W3_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Show the permissions for Server Operator
#2. Show the Utilities Properties window
#3. Show the error message
#4. Show your name and show the error message
#5. Show that the drive is R: and the size is 1 KB
#6. Show the November text file with the letter Z: in the text box at the top of the window
Week 4 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W4_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Properties for drive C: (10 points)
#2. chdksk warning (10 points)
#3. Backup destination drive (10 points)
#4. New printer (20 points)
Week 5 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W5_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
#1. Ping from Windows 7 based on your name (12 points)
#2. Web Server Role (12 points)
#3. Web page with URL based on your name (13 points)
#4. ipconfig information showing DHCP server and IP address. (13 points)
Week 6 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W6_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
25 points
In the space provided below, write a minimum of five college-level sentences in your own words that describe your experiences with this lab assignment. Include an overview of the major tasks accomplished in this lab and any difficulties you encountered in the completion of this lab assignment.
Week 7 Lab Report
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. CIS246_W7_Lab_Report_EK_Smith.docx).
Follow the steps for this week’s lab. At various points in the instructions, you will be asked to answer a question or capture a screenshot to document your work – type your answers and place screenshots into this document, then submit this completed Lab Report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
Task 2Configure the networks file
Step 2: Append network
Clear the screen and use
to display the contents of the /etc/networks file. Capture the Element K desktop in the text box below.


PSY 496 WEEK 1
After reviewing the information provided above, you will create a two- to three-page case study focusing on professional and personal scenarios (they can be real or hypothetical) in which you evaluate your learning as it contributes to the overall attainment of Ashford University’s institutional outcomes and the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program outcomes.
In the body of your paper:
Discuss the Ashford University institutional outcomes and the program outcomes by identifying their relevance to a profession in psychology.
Create one personal life example and one career example in which you (or a fictitious person) struggle with personal challenges and an ethical dilemma (e.g., a client or research subject reveals compromising information about a friend or family member who also happens to be someone you know in a personal/social context).
After identifying the problem, include a section wherein you address each of the following prior to making a decision about a course of action:
From your point of view, what is the problem?
From the point of view of other individuals, what is the problem?
What are the options? What are potential consequences of the options?
What are the risks of each potential solution?
What are the risks of not resolving the challenges effectively?
What evidence/data do you have to assist you in decision making?
Apply the competencies gained at Ashford University (from the institutional and program outcomes) to identify the preferred resolutions to the situations you identified in #2 above. Select at least three competencies that are most relevant to your scenarios. Be specific in your discussion of the scenarios and provide details demonstrating professional problem solving in your case study.
Conclude the case study with how you resolved the problem (the outcome) and what you learned while at Ashford University that assisted you in deciding on an effective resolution. You may also identify additional competencies used to resolve the problem that are not included in the institutional and program outcomes.
Utilize at least one scholarly source as a basis for the evidence you will use to rationalize the decision-making process. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center.
Writing the Case Study
The Assignment:
Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title
page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Week 1 Dq
Read the “Research Areas of Emphasis in Professional Psychology” article and select a topic of psychological research discussed in the article (e.g., evidence-based treatments, veterans/active military, multicultural issues, ethical issues, natural disasters, forensic, health, child psychology, suicide, chronic pain, rural practice, interpersonal violence, graduate/internship training and education, managed care issues, or professional roles). This topic will be used as the focus of the literature review you will be creating as part of your Final Project, as well as for aspects of other assignments within this course, so select a topic that is of personal interest to you.
In your post, discuss some of the methodological issues unique to this psychological research.
State the topic you selected and then write two potential research questions that could be explored on the topic you selected.
Identify at least one potential research design to answer each of the research questions you wrote (you will identify a total of two designs).
Each question will require a different research design to be selected to investigate the topic.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. What are the strengths in the research questions and methods they proposed? Does the research design adequately address the question? What constructive suggestions would you give for improvement?
PSY 496 WEEK 2
There are very different views of what types of evidence are most credible in evaluating the effectiveness of psychological treatment research. In this discussion you will analyze basic applied psychological research as well as evaluate how researchers applied a research process in the development of specific components. To begin, read the following articles (which can be accessed through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library):
“Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology: Implications for Research and Research Training”
“Practice-Based Evidence: Back to the Future”
“Psychological Treatments: Putting Evidence into Practice and Practice into Evidence”
After reading the articles listed above, select two of them. Analyze the basic applied research within each of your two selected articles by answering the following questions:
What is the main point-of-view in each article?
What are the primary assumptions each author makes?
Which author are you inclined to agree with? Support your choice with scholarly reasoning and cite your evidence.
You are required to include one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years to support your perspective. You may not use any of the sources that were assigned for this course. For assistance finding articles view the “Searching for Articles” and the “Peer-Reviewed Articles” tutorials which are available under Tutorials on the Getting Research Help tab at the top of the Ashford University Library homepage.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. As you respond to your peers, consider the following:
What evidence did they use to support their perspectives?
Do you agree or disagree with their conclusions? Support your position with evidence from the articles.
What alternative conclusions could be drawn from the evidence they discussed?
It is suggested that you return to the discussion forum before the end of the week to read and respond to the responses to your posts.
Then, address the following points in your post:
What are three controversies discussed in the Halter, Rolin-Kenny, & Dzurec (2013) article? Give your opinions about these controversies. From your point view, are these legitimate concerns? Why or why not?
Name a disorder identified as requiring significantly more research and study from the DSM-5 section entitled, “Conditions for Further Study” (Section III of the DSM-5). Construct a research question that is pertinent to the disorder you selected.
Briefly outline a research method that could be used to investigate the disorder based on one of the research methods presented in your textbook.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. Are the research methods they selected appropriate for studying the disorders they chose? Support your opinions with scholarly information and reasoning. What alternative research design could be employed to study the disorders they discussed?
It is suggested that you return to the discussion forum before the end of the week to read and respond to the responses to your posts.
Methodological Issues Article Review
Read the following articles, which can be accessed through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library:
Evidence-based practice in psychology: Implications for research and research training.
Practice-based evidence: Back to the future.
Psychological treatments: Putting evidence into practice and practice into evidence.
Write a three- to four-page article review in which you discuss methodological issues unique to psychological research and analyze basic applied psychological research relevant to the treatment of mental disorders. In your paper, you will discuss the topics of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and their roles in providing practitioners useful information for making decisions about appropriate mental health treatments.
In the body of your paper:
Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders.
Explain the concepts of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and identify controversies associated with these concepts.
Select one treatment modality associated with a disorder in the DSM-5 and present at least one example of pertinent, applied psychological research investigating the efficacy of the treatment modality. Discuss the findings of the research. Locate at least one peer-reviewed article that contains a research study on a treatment modality to fulfill this requirement. You may not use any of the course materials.
Take the point of view of Bauer (2007) to analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using this author’s arguments from his Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology: Implications for Research and Research Training article, what would be his evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
Take the point of view of Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using these authors’ arguments from their Practice-Based Evidence: Back to the Future article, what would be their evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
Discuss ways in which an evidence-based practice model might provide practitioners useful information for making decisions about the degree to which the treatment modality you selected in #3 is an appropriate treatment for the disorder you specified.
Conclude your paper with a discussion of your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
Utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five years (not including the course text or any of the course materials). At least one article must be used to satisfy the requirement in #3, and at least one article must also be included to support your arguments. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center.
Writing the Methodological Issues Article Review
The Assignment:
Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. (Refer to the Ashford Writing Center Thesis Generator ).
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
Must utilize each of the three required articles: Bauer (2007); Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and Dozois (2013).
Must utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
PSY 496 WEEK 3
DQ 2
Review at least three websites of professional organizations for mental health and related fields provided in this week’s list of Recommended Websites. Compare and contrast the key features of three mental health-related disciplines.
Address the following questions in your initial post:
What are common themes found among each of the professional organizations represented in the websites?
What are the distinctive themes for each organization?
How might a professional from each of the disciplines represented in the websites you selected answer the following question “How would a professional in your organization contribute to the treatment of depression?”
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. Do you agree with their analyses of the professionals’ contributions to the treatment of depression? Would you have selected different common or distinctive themes for any of the organizations?
n this discussion, you will create a presentation from the point of view of two specific professionals who are experts on the topic you selected in Week One for your Final Project. For this discussion:
Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise your two points of view will come.
Select the two professionals you will use with expertise on the topic you selected. Your professionals’ identity may be based on a real person that you know, or they may be made-up based on the job description of a professional in the field. The titles of your professionals should represent actual jobs (based on job descriptions) from categories in two different areas of mental health (e.g., psychiatry and psychology, social work and counseling).
In one or two sentences, briefly introduce your experts by describing their current careers as well as their backgrounds. The experts will be providing scholarly information on your selected topic based on the point-of-view of their respective professions.
Provide evaluations from the experts in the course of the presentation, regarding contributions of psychological research on the chosen topic in an applied context.
Include information from at least two peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last five years to substantiate your experts’ claims. You must select these two articles on your own. You may not use resources listed within this course. For information on how to generate search terms for specific resources, visit the Ashford University Library.
To begin, create a presentation using the Sample Presentation Template, of at least five slides (not including the title and reference slides). Provide the following elements in your presentation:
A side-by-side comparison of your experts including their current careers as well as their backgrounds
A brief general explanation of the topic chosen in Week One
Provide a slide for each of the experts’ points of view including appropriate citations of your referenced resources
A brief overview and comparison of the two experts’ points of view
A separate reference slide must be included at the end of the presentation
A minimum of three scholarly sources published within the last five years must be included in the discussion. References are cited according to APA guidelines.
A link to a website from an organization associated with each expert’s profession. Include information from that website where the corresponding expert is presenting her or his point of view. Include the websites in the reference slide using the full APA citation format for websites. Do not just copy and paste the URL to the website.
Use the sample template provided to organize your presentation. You may change the font sizes in the presentation. However, do not use a font smaller than 20 pt. You are encouraged to insert relevant figures and graphics. Make sure to appropriately cite any images you use that you did not create yourself. If you include a table or figure from a journal article, cite it according to APA guidelines.
Develop Professional Résumés
In order to demonstrate an awareness of psychological career alternatives in a community setting, you will develop résumés for each of the professional experts chosen for your presentation in the Week Three discussion. Include relevant academic and professional experience that highlights their careers, appropriate skills, and expertise. Brief job descriptions identifying the major duties associated with each relevant work experience should also be included in the résumé. The job description format should be based on the Professional Experience section in the “Sample Resume for a Counseling Psychologist.” Each résumé should be two to three pages in length. You may use the resources available on the following web pages:
Ashford University Career Services (
American Psychological Association PsyCareers (
Sample resume for a counselling psychologist
You may use additional sources for career information as long as they are credible. An example of a credible source for this information would include The Chronicle of Higher Education. To begin constructing your résumés, utilize the Resume Builder tool provided by Ashford University. This will allow you to create drafts of your résumés so that you may revise and refine your assignments before submitting them.
To utilize the tool:
Log into the Ashford University Student Portal
Click on Job Search & Resume Builder link under Career Services
Go to the My Documents Tab
Select the Resume Builder Tab
Create, save, and edit these résumés to meet your assignment guidelines.
Writing Professional Résumés
The Assignment:
Must be four to six double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title page), and formatted according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Résumés should be formatted according to the guidelines in the Ashford University Resume Builder tool.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
WEEK 3 Quiz
PSY 496 WEEK 4
Week 4 - Assignment
Careers in Psychology
This assignment has two major sections. However, you will be creating a single document for submission.
In Section I, you will read the case scenarios of three adults who are about to complete their bachelor’s degree in psychology and provide responses based on your reading and research to address the concerns in the scenarios.
In Section II, you will evaluate yourself and rate your own credentials in terms of your readiness for the next step after obtaining your bachelor’s degree, should you be interested in pursuing your education further.
Please label the sections as Section I and Section II in your document.
Section I
Use the information presented in Chapter 8 of your course text as well as the required websites to assist you in addressing the scenarios. You will also need to do some additional research. Recommended websites are provided and you will find useful information on the websites of graduate programs in psychology and other mental health-related fields.
Denise has decided she wants to counsel children and adolescents. She has a modest amount of interest in reading research findings that are relevant to counseling children and youth. She has little interest in conducting research. She is exploring the following options for her degree after her bachelor’s degree:
Master of Arts/ Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
Master of Arts/ Master of Science in Counseling Psychology
Master of Education in Counseling Psychology
Master of Social Work
Master of Science in Pastoral Counseling
Master of Science in Counseling.
Research the programs Denise is considering and list at least two pros and cons for each option.
Raul always thought he wanted to be a clinical or counseling psychologist until he did some volunteer work in a psychiatric clinic and interviewed several psychologists and counselors. Now, as a senior who is months away from graduation, Raul is trying to decide what his next academic and career steps should be. He has a moderate interest in research but does not care much for writing papers. He could see himself teaching, if necessary, but it is not his passion. He already has a wife and two children, so earning potential is important to him.
What advice would you give Raul based on the information from this week’s resources?
After many years in the corporate world, John was let go from his company due to down-sizing. He is interested in integrating what he learned in business with psychology. He believes that Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology might be a good fit for him.
What types of graduate options are available for John?
How competitive are graduate programs in I/O psychology?
What does he need to do to make sure he is competitive enough to be accepted into a graduate program?
Section II
For this section, copy and paste the information from Table 8.4 in your text and then rate yourself for each of the items. Be sure to include an explanation for each at the bottom of the individual sections. See the document with the information attached here. ( Section II )
Writing Careers in Psychology
The Assignment:
Must be at least three to four double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include all the information listed in Section I of the prompt as well as the copied information from the Section II document.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page that lists any cited sources and is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Read Chapter 8 in your course text and review the subfields listed in Table 8.3. Locate an additional outside source that lists subfields in psychology or a related field that includes one or more subfields not listed in Table 8.3. Cite the additional source according to APA guidelines in your initial post:
• Which three subfields in psychology that most interest you?
• What personal characteristics (knowledge, skills, abilities) do you possess that might make these areas a good fit for you?
• Which three subfields interest you the least?
• If you were challenged with creating a new subfield, what would be the name of your subfield and what would it consist of?
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. What subfields did they discuss that are of interest to you? Comment on the new subfield they proposed and provide at least one practical problem that might be solved as a result of work done in their proposed subfield.
Identify the next step in your academic and/or professional career after graduation. Whether applying to a graduate or professional school or for employment, it is common that applicants are asked to write personal statements. Unfortunately, some applicants have developed habits frowned upon by admissions committees and potential employers (e.g., divulging personal or sensitive information about problems or crises).
• Consider the prompt: Tell us about yourself and why you are interested in a position in our graduate program (or organization).
• Review the advice in section 8.4 in your text and write a two-paragraph answer to the prompt. Your response should be of the quality to be submitted with an actual application.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. Analyze their personal statements in accordance with the guidelines in Section 8.4 of the course text. What feedback do you have for your peers?
A++ Graded !!!
PSY 496 WEEK 5
Read the articles “Applications in Social Justice Counselor Training: Classroom Without Walls” and “The Multicultural Workplace: Interactive Acculturation and Intergroup Relations” and review the APA Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations prior to considering the following scenario.
You are a psychologist in an urban community that has seen a 200% growth in its immigrant population over the past 3 years. Eighty-seven percent of this population speaks a language other than English at home. You work for a community mental health center, which is seeing an increase in referral from this population primarily because of the children’s interactions with the school system. The children typically become bilingual quickly. The parents are typically less fluent in English than their children; however, approximately 30% of the adults in this immigrant population are fluent in English and hold advanced degrees and middle- to upper- middle class jobs. The remaining 70% primarily hold jobs that do not require higher education although many do have degrees from their country of origin.
Based on the reading, evaluate research and practice aspects in this applied context and use elements from previous learning in your program to address the following:
• What types of staffing and training recommendations would you make for the community mental health center?
• How would you facilitate intergroup work relations among staff at the community mental health center?
• Would you support the use of the DSM-5 to diagnose clients with limited English proficiency?
• How would you evaluate whether or not your staff is competent to work with this population?
• Explain the rationales for your answers by providing evidence from the required readings.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. As you respond to your peers, consider the following questions:
• Did your classmates include the same or different elements in their responses than you did in yours?
• What evidence did they use to support their perspectives?
• What assumptions did they make, and what are the implications of those assumptions?
• What else might they have considered, and why?
• What did you learn from your classmate’s response that you had not considered?
Read the “Numbers Can be Worth a Thousand Pictures: Individual Differences in Understanding Graphical and Numerical Representations of Health-Related Information” article prior to answering. Informed decision making in the mental health and medical professions requires the ability to understand and effectively communicate statistical information. For this discussion, address the following in your post:
• Select one mental health disorder of your choice based on a valid diagnostic category in the DSM-5.
• Research the disorder and locate relevant statistics obtained within the past 7 years regarding overall prevalence, gender and age differences, and treatment options.
• Present this information in the discussion forum in two formats: Format 1 for individuals with high graph literacy; Format 2: for individuals with low graphic literacy but high numerical literacy. Information regarding each of these two formats is discussed in the assigned article.
• Be sure to include your references in your discussion post, that are formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. In your response, address the following points, which are based on the descriptions in the article by Gaissmaier, et. al, (2012):
• How effectively did your peers present the data? Ask clarification questions for any information presented that is unclear.
• What did you learn from the ways in which your classmates reported their data that you had not considered?
Week 5 - Final Project
Final Project
For your Final Project, you will create a website that showcases the skills you have gained throughout your psychology program. Your website will consist of the following elements: a homepage, a literature review, expert opinions, résumés, a case study, and a list of pertinent websites. Each of these sections will be its own tab on the website. When complete, you may choose to use this website after graduation as a means to showcase your abilities to potential employers and/or graduate schools.
It is highly recommended that you complete any and all written work in a separate document first and then cut and paste the required content into your webpage. This will allow you to edit and save your work separate from the website, should anything occur which causes the website to fail. Additionally, you will be able to work on your content without having to remain connected to the internet and it may be easier to develop and edit your content in Word, prior to publishing it on your website.
Sections of the Final Project will be completed within the course weeks and will be revised for inclusion in this project. Carefully review all suggestions and comments from the instructor and/or your classmates before including that work within the content of your website.
Clearly label the website as your course project. Although it will not be searchable to the general public, it will be publicly available and anyone who is given your specific site link will be able to view it.
Copy and paste the URL to your website into a Word document for submission. Once you have received your final grade for this course, you have the option of deleting this website through your account with
Creating the Website
The website:
Must be named with the following convention: your last name + PSY496 Final Project. Example: Smith PSY496 Final Project.
Must include six tabs with the following headings and information. Watch the screencast video below to assist you with setting up your required tabs.
Home Page
Briefly introduce yourself and provide information regarding your professional background. Summarize your experiences within the Psychology program at Ashford University and what you hope to do upon graduation. You may include a professional photograph as well.
Literature Review
Create a brief literature review that presents a fair and comprehensive analysis of relevant literature pertaining to the topic you chose in Week One. This page must include the following:
A brief introduction of the topic and its relevance (300 to 500 words).
Three to five peer-reviewed articles based on applied psychological research. Each of the articles must directly relate to your chosen topic.
A one- to two-paragraph (500 to750 words total) analysis and summary for each article.
A reference list at the bottom of the page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Expert Opinions
Begin with the work you completed for the Mental Health Disciplines discussion in Week Three. In this section, you will demonstrate your awareness of the psychological career alternatives in a community setting and take on the role of two experts in different fields of psychology. You will also evaluate contributions of psychological research in the applied context of these experts and discuss methodological issues unique to their areas of psychological research.
Take into consideration the comments your classmates and your instructor made on your discussion post.
Include information from at least two peer-reviewed articles of your choosing that were published within the last five years to substantiate your experts’ claims. The sources may not be any of those that are listed within this course. For information on how to generate search terms for specific resources, visit the Ashford University Library website.
Make any necessary changes to your presentation and create a new screencast using Using the link information from Screenr and the instructions on the platform, embed the video of your screencast presentation in the Expert Opinions page of your website.
Begin with the work you completed for the Develop Professional Résumés assignment in Week Three. Based on the feedback from your instructor, make the recommended changes to the résumés you created for the two experts from the Presentation by Experts discussion in Week Three and the Expert Opinions web page you created.
Next, create your own professional résumé, that includes brief descriptions of the major duties associated with any relevant work experience you have.
Your résumé should appear first on the page followed by the résumés you created for the experts.
Case Study
Begin with the work you completed for the Case Study: Evaluating Ashford University Institutional & Program Outcomes assignment in Week One.
Review the feedback you received from your instructor and then create a case study that takes on the role you did not pursue.
If you used your own story or that of a willing volunteer for the original assignment, then you will create a case study for a fictitious character.
If you created a character for the case study in the original assignment, then you will use your own story or that of a willing adult volunteer.
In this section, you will:
Create a 750- to 1000-word case study of a real (either yourself or a willing adult volunteer) or fictitious person who has developed the competencies of their academic program at Ashford University.
Evaluate your real or fictitious person’s learning within the program as it contributes to the overall attainment of the institutional outcomes.
Include at least one personal life example and one career example of applying the competencies to resolve personal challenges and an ethical dilemma (e.g., a client or research subject reveals compromising information about a friend or family member who also happens to be someone you know in a personal/social context).
Create or describe a scenario in which the person wrestles with an issue related to the assigned research topic in her or his personal and/or professional life. Be specific in your discussion of the scenario and provide details demonstrating professional problem solving on the part of the person in your case study.
Include a section wherein your fictitious person or you articulate a personal point of view, evaluate evidence, determine options for responding and evaluate the pros and cons of the options prior to making a decision about a course of action within the scenario.
Conclude with how the problem was resolved and what the person learned while at Ashford University that assisted in an effective resolution.
Create an annotated list of 10 to 12 reputable, professional websites (e.g., government agencies, professional organizations, professional associations…) that are relevant to psychological research and practice. Commercial or non-academic websites may not be used for this assignment.
Consider the merits of each website. Based on your knowledge of scholarly applications of psychological research, evaluate the use of scholarly applied psychological research and analyze the interpretations that are presented on each site. For information on how to evaluate web resources, visit the Ashford University Library website.
The list should be in alphabetical order with each website cited according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
The annotations should be four to five sentences long and reflect the relevance and usefulness of each website in terms of your topics of psychological research and your professional needs.
In addition, your website must:
Include a footer with the date submitted (in Copyright section).
Address the topics of each page with critical thought.
Use the number of peer-reviewed sources listed with the instructions for each web page.
Document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Include a separate reference section at the bottom of each web page, for the sources used on that page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Latest 2015 Graded!!!